Chapter 94: Moving Forward

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Salem carried Hawk's unconscious form in her arms as Cinder dutifully followed her, carrying the Staff of Creation and the Relic of Knowledge. The three had managed to escape Atlas before it fell to its doom, and had arrived at the Grimm hive that Hawk had previously frozen during his mission. While Salem kept her eyes forward as she marched through the frozen hive, Cinder kept glancing around at the icy tomb.

Cinder: "My Queen, if I may ask, why are we here? Shouldn't we be leaving for Vacuo?"

Salem: "We will, when all three of us are ready to leave. Not a moment sooner. Now, leave us be. Place the relics there."

Salem carefully laid Hawk's body beside the frozen pool, kneeling beside him as she caressed his bloodied face with the back of her hand. Cinder momentarily hesitated before going over to the wall, setting the relics down. However, she didn't go to leave just yet.

Cinder: "Ma'am, if I may, what if he attacks? I was lucky to best him last time..."

She grunted somewhat in pain, gripping her freshly healed side that Hawk slashed during the recent battle. Salem glanced over her shoulder with a glare that caused Cinder chills. Cinder quickly left the cavern, leaving the two alone.

Salem's eyes began to glow red as she placed her hand on the iced pool, a proud smile coming to her face.

Salem: "My child. You've grown so strong. Fortunately for both of us, there's still enough for me to use."

Salem plunged her fist through the ice, causing a dark red glow to light up the cavern. Tremors ran through the entire nest, until liquid Grimm shot up from the ground, blocking the entrance of the cave. Cinder jumped back with a start, before wincing in discomfort. Her arm was beginning to ache, as if it was reacting to the liquid Grimm.

Rising to her feet, Salem's held her hands above Hawk. A stream of energy shimmered over Hawk, causing his body to radiate with energy, levitating him off the ground until he was below Salem's chest level.

Salem: "Hawk, I hope you can hear me. I wonder if you remember this song. I sung it to you and your siblings, all those years ago. Do you remember? It was Spring's favourite bedtime song."

She waited a moment, hoping to see some sort of acknowledgment to her voice, but there was none. Letting out a worried sigh, she brushed some of his hair from his face, beginning to sing softly as she used her magic to begin healing him.

It always feels so quiet in the dark...
It always feels so stark...
How silence grows under the moon...
And it's always gone so soon...

The blood that covered Hawk's face began to disappear, revealing the wound that was from the Staff of Creation. The glowing energy grew brighter on the wound, pulling the flesh back together to seal it. As the light dimmed to normal again, the wound had been fully healed, not even leave a scar.

I used to think I was bold...
I used to think love was for fun...
Now all my stories have been told...
Except for one...

Salem smiled down at Hawk as other injuries began to heal; small cuts, the scars from bullet holes, several burns, as well as the remaining dried blood stains began to vanish.

As the stars start to align...
I hope you take it as a sign...
That you'll be ok...
Everything will be ok...

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