Chapter 48: The More the Merrier

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Hawk groaned as he laid on the ground of the patio, dripping with sweat. The group had been pushing themselves to their limits with training for two weeks, under the supervision of Qrow and Ozpin. Ozpin had told Hawk to start practicing on his summoning a week ago. Weiss suggested using her knight summon as good practice. But, despite his efforts, Hawk wasn't even able to form the helmet of her knight.

Hawk pushed himself up and back to his feet, growling to himself as he slammed his hands onto the ground and began again. A large circle of frost formed three feet in front of Hawk. He could see the particles of ice quivering, ready to form into whatever he wanted. Hawk closed his eyes, picturing Weiss' knight in his mind as he does when he creates his summoned hands. He opened his eyes and stared at the circle, but nothing was happening. Hawk gritted his teeth as he glared at the circle, trying to focus harder than before but nothing changed.

Hawk: "Gaahh!! Why?!"

Hawk punched the ground in anger, and the circle exploded upwards into the sky, then began to gently snow back down as it melted away.

Ozpin: "Son..."

Hawk looked to the side to see Ozpin walking towards him, his facial expression showing how worried he felt. Hawk looked away and tried to force himself back up, but fell backwards in exhaustion.

Ozpin: "Hawk, you need to rest. You've been practicing without rest for 6 hours now."

Hawk didn't look at him, causing Ozpin to sigh. He walked in front of Hawk, kneeling down to stare him in the eyes.

Ozpin: "I'm sorry. I know this can't be easy to handle, my son. But why have you been acting this way towards me?"

Hawk: "Because I know the truth..."

Ozpin raised an eyebrow as Hawk pushed himself to his feet again, wiping away the sweat from his brow as he glared down at Ozpin.

Hawk: "I know who my mother is."

Ozpin: "Wha- How?"

Hawk: "She told me. I've also done some searching, and the facts all fit. But why wouldn't you tell me?"

Ozpin: "Hawk, I wanted to protect you. I was-"

Hawk: "Protect me? From what?! Admit it, you didn't trust me! Just like you didn't trust me with this massive secret of your apparent immortality!You thought that the moment I knew who she was, I'd rush off to join her?!"

Ozpin: "No! Of course I trust you!"

Hawk snorted and walked away from him, shooting a glare over his shoulder.

Hawk: "Oh, sure you do. Raven was right. How can I trust you after all this? I don't think you're the same man from before. Maybe my father really is dead... like my sisters..."

Ozpin visibly flinched, like he was punched in the face. Hawk resumed walking away, going back inside the house. He walked into the kitchen, grabbing a large glass and filled it with water. He chugged it down before taking a deep breath, looking around at the others. Ren, Nora, and Jaune were playing a board game. Yang was doing some maintenance on her gauntlet. Ruby and Weiss were sitting at the dining table giggling as they watched a mini knight cut down a marshmallow monster. Hawk sighed quietly as he watched the little fight, ignoring Oscar, or Ozpin, who was just entering the house to look for Qrow.

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