Chapter 2: Today's the Day

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Hawk walked through Vale towards the airships that were meant to take him to Beacon. Even though he was excited, he was worried too. Not just about himself and Yang about getting accepted, but about his pops.

Flashback: Two nights ago

Hawk walked around the apartment getting supper ready. He quickly learned and became a great chef and baker, something he learned fast to try to help his pops. Currently, he was cooking up a lemon chicken with a side of rice, mixed veggies, and bought a small pie. Hawk sighed sadly as he checked the chicken, making sure it was cooked well through.

Qrow was off on another mission, just outside of the kingdom, but that was all he was allowed to know.

Qrow: "I'm sorry kiddo, but I'm under orders from Oz."
He had told Hawk before leaving. He understood though, sometimes the missions were meant to stay outside of your home.

Autumn: "It's smelling delicious Hawk. What's wrong?" Hawk closed his eyes as his sisters all looked worried.

Hawk: "I'm worried about dad. I don't want him to be on his own again." He confessed looking at his home. While it wasn't anything flashy, it was perfect in his eyes. A simple apartment that had a nice living room, a kitchen and dining room connected. Down a hallway led towards the bathroom and two bedrooms. Hawk looked around as he could remember some of the happiest moments in his life inside this little home.

On the couch, Qrow and Hawk sat beside each other when Hawk was only 12 watching movies together. Over by the wall next to the door was pencil markings of Hawk's height, he still remembered when he turned 10 and was so happy to see himself grow while his dad watched proudly. Pinned onto the fridge was a badly drawn picture that Hawk gave Qrow when he was simply 5. It was a picture of Qrow's weapon. Despite how bad it was, Qrow refused to take it down. Hawk then looked over to a corner beside the hallway, and remembered the first time his semblance went out of control. He could still remember it clear as day.

Years ago, when Hawk was 6 years old

Qrow woke up to the sounds of crying in the middle of the night.

Qrow: "Hawk? I'm coming kiddo!" He quickly scrambled to his feet and opened the door, only to be met with an icy cold wind! The walls were slowly growing ice across them, stretching from the centre point. Hawk himself. Hawk was laying on the ground crying and balled up tightly as ice spread across the floor.

Qrow: "Hawk! I'm here son!" He slid across the ice and stopped beside his son. Hawk opened an eye, showing Qrow a bright blue eye as tears continuously ran down his face.

Hawk: "P-papa? I'm scared! I-it won't stop!!" He cried as more ice kept spreading slowly through the apartment. Qrow picked up his son and sat on the ground hugging him tightly and slowly rocked him.

Qrow: "Shh, it's ok my little bird. Papa will protect you." He whispered resting his chin on the top of Hawk's head. Slowly, the crying stopped and with that stopped the ice. Qrow kept rocking while rubbing his back, calming Hawk down. Qrow smiled and started humming before singing quietly.

Hush little birdie, don't say a word.
Papa gonna buy you a nice little sword.

And if that little sword can't help you win.
Then papa will protect you with a bottle o' gin.

The last line made the little boy giggle and the ice in the apartment disappeared completely, raising the temperature to normal. Hawk looked up at Qrow with green eyes and a small smile.

Hawk: "Thank you papa."


Hawk smiled looking at the spot. He used to love that song when he was little. It always cheered him up no matter what had happened. He was brought out of his thoughts as the sound of the locks moving with a quiet beep, the door opened revealing a tired and battered Qrow. Hawk went to him and gently hugged Qrow, being careful not to injure him more than he was. Despite how he was feeling from the mission, Qrow grew a big smile and hugged Hawk back.

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