Chapter 34: Heroes and Monsters

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The wyvern let loose a extremely loud roar that echoed across all of Vale, making most of the people fighting freeze up in shock. Hawk had just decapitated two Beowolves as he glanced over his shoulder to check on some other students. Anna and Ariel were using their semblance to speed around the area, helping students who were starting to get overwhelmed. Hawk noticed Sky and Russel were fighting back to back against two Ursai. Fox from CFVY was switching between kicks and stabs before leaving the area to find his other teammates.

Hawk: "Come on! Keep going!"

Hawk led his small group forward through the hordes of Grimm until he saw Weiss and her group fighting off a mix of Grimm, androids and paladins. Weiss moved to assist Coco, but the paladin smacked her away.

Hawk: "Weiss!"

He ran forward and helped her sit up from where she landed. Coco and Neptune moved to provide cover fire against the Paladin as the other students ran to help the others of the group. Weiss looked slightly dazed from the hit, but she smiled holding his hand tightly.

Weiss: "What took you?"

Hawk: "I thought the hero was supposed to arrive late."

Weiss: "You dolt."

The two chuckled as Weiss gets back to her feet. Hawk hears the familiar grenade launcher going off and looks over to see what's happening.

Yatsuhashi, Nora and Ren were busy fighting off another Paladin, with Yatsuhashi trying to hold back the arm with his sword while Nora and Ren shot at it. That's when Yatsuhashi lost his grip on the arm as it threw him away. Ren had looked to where Yatsuhashi was thrown, and the Paladin went to attack him.

Nora: "Look out!"

Nora jumped forward and shoved Ren aside, letting the Paladin strike her and send her flying backwards. Ren looked horrified as he watched.

Ren: "Nora! No!"

The Paladin swiftly delivers another punch and sends Ren flying after Nora, the two of them laying beside each other unconscious. Hawk watched in shock before his shock turned to anger. He left Weiss' side and charged, creating his bow and begun to rapid fire at the Paladin. Most of his arrows stabbed into it while some ricocheted off the reinforced plating. It began to swipe at Hawk, forcing him to break away and move to stand beside Coco and Neptune as the three of them kept shooting at the Paladin.

Neptune: "Uh, this is bad."

Coco: "Well, I guess now's a better time than any. Velvet!"

The three of them glance over to Velvet who looked ecstatic about the idea.

Velvet: "Really?"

Coco: "Just make them count."

Velvet gave a stern nod and began to walk towards the two Paladins, running her fingers along the top of her camera box that was clipped to her waist. The box began to give a gentle blue glow as she got closer to the mechs.

Weiss: "What are you doing?! She's going to get hurt!"

Coco gave a smirk towards Weiss, like she knew something the others didn't.

Coco: "Just watch."

Velvet stands in front of the first Paladin and holds out her hand to the side. Instantly, her camera box on her hip creates a replica of Ruby's scythe in her hand. The replica looked holographic and glowed blue. Velvet quickly leaped into the air to avoid the Paladin's attack, doing Ruby's signature overhead spin, and landed on top of the Paladin to deliver swift slashes before she jumped off it.

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