Chapter 79: The Enemy of Trust

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"The single quality that is common across every living creature on this planet... is fear. It's funny then, that as common as fear is... we so easily underestimate its power. Fear of growing close to someone... a subsequent fear of loss. Fear of failure. And as more people depend on you, those fears can take on greater power. But fear itself isn't worthy of concern. It is who we become while in its clutches. Will you be proud of that person? Will you forgive them? Will you understand why they felt the need to do the things they did? Will you even recognize them? Or will the person staring back at you be the very thing you should have feared from the start? I suppose we all find out... sooner or later."


Hawk and Cinder stared each other down inside of Fria's room, neither one making the first move as Cinder held two fireballs in her hands while Hawk's hands glowed from his semblance. Winter and Penny stood still, keeping their weapons aimed at Cinder.

Winter: "Hawk, what did you do?"

Hawk: "What are you talking about?"

Winter narrowed her eyes as Hawk briefly gave a side glance to her before looking back at Cinder, who was watching the conversation with her signature smirk.

Winter: "What did you do to earn a kill notice on you?! Do you have any idea how stupid that must have been?! You put Weiss and her entire team in danger, so wh-"

Hawk: "I was born..."

Winter's anger faltered as confusion set in. Cinder began to chuckle softly as her fireballs extinguished.

Cinder: "Oh my, are you telling me that the general finally learned the truth?"

Hawk: "Shut up."

Penny: "Truth?"

Cinder's grin grew as she looked at Penny.

Cinder: "Yes, the truth of his heritage. Hawk here is actually the son of Salem."

Winter's eyes widened and she stared at Hawk while Penny covered her mouth in shock. Hawk slowly closed his eyes and bowed his head.

Winter: "I can't believe it..."

Penny: "Hawk, it can't be true. Is it?"

Hawk clenched his fists tightly, causing them to shake as he looked at Cinder, his eyes flashing from orange to red. Without warning, Hawk jumped at Cinder and drew his katana, slashing down at her. Cinder instantly created her own sword and blocked the attack.

Cinder: "I bet it must have hurt, seeing everyone who trusted you to turn on you instantly."

Hawk: "Just like I told you back at Haven... I liked you better when you couldn't speak."

Cinder's smirk changed into a scowl, pushing Hawk backwards as they repeatedly clashed weapons. The two of them backed through the hole in the wall, the clashes of their weapons causing sparks to light them up briefly in the darkness. Hawk swung his free hand in an arc, blasting a wave of ice at Cinder. Cinder responded by firing a blast of fire, the two blasts colliding and creating a wave of steam that blew through the hallway. Hawk had sheathed his katana and spun up the dust cylinder, selecting electricity, and stood there with his hand at the ready. Cinder lunged at him through the steam, her eye widening in surprise as Hawk pulled the trigger on his sheath to fire out his blade. Cinder barely managed to block the attack, but the electricity traveled through her blade and shocked her Grimm arm. Cinder let out a gasp as she dropped the blade, and threw a punch at Hawk with her Grimm hand. Hawk threw a punch with his left hand, Cinder catching it with her Grimm hand. Hawk went to slash at Cinder with his blade, but Cinder caught his wrist, leaving them at a standstill.

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