Chapter 61: Stealing from the Elderly

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The group sat in the living room late at night. Jaune had discussed his partially completed plan for stealing an airship. It wasn't much, but the group agreed that it was a decent start.

Hawk: "I don't like this..."

Jaune: "I know. But Weiss is the only one who would be allowed onto the base."

Hawk: "I should be going with her..."

Weiss took ahold of Hawk's hand, giving a small squeeze to get his attention.

Weiss: "Thank you Snowbird, but I'll be fine. I wish you could come too, but Cordovin would never let you enter the base. Even if it was to come with me."

Hawk groaned as he bowed his head, knowing they were right.

Qrow: "Kiddo, part of marriage is having complete trust and faith in your partner. She can do this."

Hawk: "You're right. But who's going to go with you? We don't know how many escorts you'll have. And I hate the idea of you doing this alone."

Ruby: "Weeelll... there is someone here who has experience with Atlas airships."

They looked over at Maria who was smiling as she entertained Adrian. She glanced at Ruby, giving a small smirk.

Maria: "You seem to have a plan on how to do that."

Ruby: "I do. We stuff you in Weiss' suitcase!"

Maria's eye twitched in shock as Hawk bit his lip to keep himself from laughing at the idea. Weiss elbowed him in the side with a stern look, and Hawk nodded calming himself down.

Hawk: "She has a point though. Weiss has a large suitcase that you'd fit in with no trouble. That way, you two can hijack the ship and you'd be able to fly."

Maria: "You've got to be joking."

They weren't. The morning came quickly for the group. Maria had been stuffed into Weiss' suitcase, and Saphron and Adrian would go with her for a distraction if needed. As it turned out, Adrian was very skilled in causing a distraction, which was confirmed by both of his mothers.

Hawk was perched on an overlook of the base in his bird form, staying at the ready if something were to happen. Cordovin was ecstatic that Weiss came to the base, and was personally escorting her to an airship with the two guards from yesterday.

Cordovin: "Ah, I was relieved to hear that you came to your senses, Miss Schnee. Many of us were devastated when we heard you would be attending... Beacon Academy. Knowing that you'll be returning to Atlas just warms my old heart."

Hawk felt his anger rise as he heard Cordovin say Beacon with a very noticeable trace of venom in her voice. Weiss kept herself calm as she played along with the act.

Weiss: "It was... time to get my act together and go back to my roots."

Cordovin: "Oh, I can't wait to see you follow in your sister's footsteps."

Cordovin wasn't looking at Weiss, as Weiss gave a very forced smile at the thought.

Weiss: "Absolutely..."

Cordovin: "I'm sending two of my best guards to personally escort you. Make sure General Ironwood hears that part."

With a wink, Cordovin started to leave to return to her base duties. One of the guards instantly walked over beside Weiss.

Guard 1: "Allow me to assist you with your bag."

As he picks it up from the ground, he let out a grunt of effort.

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