Chapter 30: Fall

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Hawk was sound asleep in his room the night before the one-on-one matches, after celebrating for a good portion of the day with team RWBY and JNPR for reaching the finals. Himself, Yang, and Pyrrha were chosen to represent their respected teams for Beacon.

Suddenly, Hawk was jolted away by his scroll ringing by his head. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Hawk reached over and answered his scroll.

Hawk: "Hello?"

Pyrrha: "Hawk... I'm sorry for waking you."

Hawk blinked slowly, processing the fact that Pyrrha didn't sound right. She sounded so upset, like she was struggling with something.

Hawk: "Pyrrha? What's wrong? Are you ok?"

There was a small pause before she answered.

Pyrrha: "Physically, yes. Though, I'm troubled with a decision. I was hoping you could come meet me?"

Hawk: "Of course! Where are you?"

Pyrrha: "Courtyard. By the fountain. Thank you Hawk."

Hawk quickly jumped out of bed and pulled on his clothes and rushed out of the room, quickly walking through the dark hallways until he reached the courtyard.

Pyrrha was sitting on the edge of the fountain, her fingers caressing the water as she stared at her own reflection. Hawk walked over and sat down beside her.

Hawk: "Pyrrha. What's wrong? You should be sleeping before tomorrow."

Pyrrha sighed slowly and looked up at him, trying to put on her usual smile.

Pyrrha: "I'm... conflicted about something. It's more of a big decision, and I'm not sure what to do with it."

Hawk: "What kind of decision? Pyrrha we've known each other for so long. I've never seen you so worried."

Pyrrha bit her bottom lip as she returned her gaze and stared into the fountain. Then, to Hawk's shock, tears fell from her face and splashed into the water; disturbing the reflection.

Pyrrha: "I... I'm scared Hawk! This choice could destroy me! But I'll be protecting all of humanity! It's all too much!"

Hawk grabbed Pyrrha and hugged her, Pyrrha clinging to him as she quietly cried into his shoulder.

Hawk: "Shh... tell me everything."

Pyrrha nodded as she began to recount what happened earlier that night.


Pyrrha had just arrived in Ozpin's office and was sitting in front of his desk as Ozpin sat with his fingers intertwined.

Ozpin: "What is your favourite fairy tale?"

Pyrrha: "I'm... sorry?"

Ozpin: "Fairy tales, stories from your childhood. Surely you must remember some of them."

Pyrrha was a little surprised by the question, but she found herself reminiscing her childhood with a fond smile.

Pyrrha: "Well, there's The Tale of The Two Brothers, The Shallow Sea, The Girl in the Tower..."

Ozpin: "What about The Story of the Seasons?"

Pyrrha: "Well, of course! A callous old man, who refuses to leave his home, is visited by four traveling sisters. The first understands his reclusive nature and urges him to use his time in solitude to reflect and meditate. The second brings him fruits and flowers, tending to his crops and revitalizing his garden. The third warms the man's heart, convincing him to step outside and embrace the world around him. And the fourth and final sister begs him to look at all that he has, and be thankful. In return for their kindness, the man grants the maidens incredible powers, so that they may continue to help others all over the world. They graciously accept, and promise to share their gifts with the people of Remnant 'til the end of days. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall; the four maidens... My mother loves that story."

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