Chapter 96: Altercation at the Auspicious Auction

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Yang: "So are we gonna just stand around thinking about this in silence? Or...?"

The group had been staring at the scenery of this strange place, each member trying to process what they were seeing, as well as Blake's theory. It was only when Yang broke the brief silence that Ruby spoke.

Ruby: "I knew this place is weird, but a fairy tale? I mean that's impossible."

Ruby glanced at her shoulder where Little was sitting, who nodded in agreement. Blake cleared her throat to get there attention, before gesturing to Little to emphasize her point. Ruby sweat dropped while Little scratched their ear.

Weiss: "What we've seen is improbable, but that doesn't mean we're in an actual fairy tale. Are we seriously entertaining this?"

Yang: "Do you have a better explanation for what's going on?"

Weiss walked forward to the edge of the cliff side, staring out towards the large tree in the middle of the multitudes of different biomes. Thinking about their situation, she spins around to address her friends.

Weiss: "Well, let's try to be more logical, shall we? We fell from the sky. Ruby made friends with a tiny mouse."

Little: "Friends!"

Little jumped for joy before hugging onto Ruby's cheek which earned a smile from her.

Weiss: "Blake and I got caught by killer vines."

Blake and Weiss both shuddered from the memory, before continuing.

Weiss: "We somehow reencountered two of Hawk's sisters, whom neither know how they ended up here. Along with Spring and Winter, who are still somewhere in this place."

Summer: "Nailed it on the head."

Weiss: "And... uh... you got your arm stolen by... a... What was it that you said?"

Yang: "A talking raccoon riding on a purple wagon filled with trash."

Weiss blinked a few times, attempting to come up with some sort of logical explanation for Yang's predicament. She could not, looking somewhat defeated.

Weiss: "Yes, that. Okay, I see your point of view. I am going to go over here now."

Weiss walked away from the group, rambling to herself as she attempted to grapple with the team's current situation. Ruby's lips frowned as she stared at the scenery.

Ruby: "As crazy as it sounds, something about this is familiar."

Blake: "The Girl Who Fell Through the World. I... I think we're in the Ever After."

While Blake seemed in a deep awe over the idea, Weiss had rejoined the group, crossing her arms as she disagreed with Blake's statement.

Weiss: "Blake, that world is make-believe. It was just part of the story we all read as kids."

Little: "It's not make-believe, it's where I live!"

The girls exchanged quick glances, Weiss looking ready to explode. Autumn cleared her throat to get the girls attention, as she tucked her hands into the pocket of her sweater.

Autumn: "While I'm not entirely understanding this... I do agree with Blake. This place seems almost identical to the stories, with some differences."

Summer: "Hey, uh, little mouse? Can you tell us about your home?"

Blake: "Also, have you ever heard the name Alyx?"

Everyone focused on the mouse on Ruby's shoulder, watching them hum to themself in thought for a moment before looking to Blake with a confused expression.

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