Chapter 32: Beginning of the End

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Hawk knelt in the Colosseum, tears running down his face as he cradled the body of his friend. Her eyes stared up at him, now lifeless. The sounds of panic and screaming were muffled to him, his focus solely on the body of Penny.

Hawk: "How... how did this happen?"

Flashback to earlier that day...

After the encounter with Neo, Hawk had entered the arena. Penny and Pyrrha were already fighting against each other at that moment, Penny using her floating swords while Pyrrha skillfully dodged or deflected attacks.

Hawk smiled watching, until he noticed something strange. Actually, it was more of someone. Emerald was sitting in the stands, focusing intensely on the fight. Hawk narrowed his eyes and moved to sneak through the crowds, moving towards Emerald while she was distracted. Every so often, Hawk glanced back at the fight. Pyrrha was doing great but something wasn't right about her. She kept holding her head, like she was in pain. And when she glanced at her hands, Hawk noticed how scared she looked.

Spring: "Brother hurry! I think Emerald is doing something to Pyrrha!"

Needing no further explanation, Hawk pushed through the crowds until he sat down behind Emerald.

Emerald: "Come on... come on... just a little more."

Hawk: "If I didn't know any better. I'd say you were about to have a migraine. Must be that semblance of yours, right?"

Emerald gasped and was about to spin around, her weapon held in her hand. Hawk poked her in the back with a small icicle, keeping her facing forward. Emerald glared at him and let go of her weapon.

Emerald: "Hey Hawk. Looking pretty good for someone who exploded recently."

Hawk: "Yeah, and you look like you're actually here for someone who supposedly went back to Haven. Where's Cinder?"

Emerald: "No idea..."

Hawk growled and grabbed her arm, forcing Emerald out of her seat. Emerald tried to stop him, but Hawk kept pushing her out of the spectating area  while ignoring the odd looks he was receiving from the spectators. He guided Emerald into a maintenance hall and shoved her against the wall.

Hawk: "Do I look like I'm in the mood for games?!"

Emerald looked like she was caught off guard from the sudden hostility. Hawk had changed the small icicle into a full on knife made of ice, pressing the point into her neck.

Hawk: "Your friend drugged me. She attacked my cousin. And who knows what else she's done. I don't know what kind of twisted game you and your team are playing, but I will get answers out of you! One way... or another."

Emerald: "Heh. You don't have the stomach for this, do you? You talk a good game, but at the end of the day you are just a little do-gooder."

Hawk stayed silent for a second, before giving a sly grin as his eyes changed to orange. He moved the knife closer, pushing against the skin of her neck which got a gasp of surprise out of her.

Hawk: "I'll do anything to protect the ones I care for. Care to keep testing me?"

Emerald kept wincing before she finally relented.

Emerald: "Cinder is safe. Waiting for the right moment."

Hawk: "What moment?"

Emerald sneered at Hawk.

Emerald: "You think it's by chance that Penny and Pyrrha were matched up? It's all apart of the plan. And it will kick off when Pyrrha loses control."

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