Chapter 95: A Place of Particular Concern

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Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter Branwen; the four siblings of Hawk, sat in a circle on the strangely designed beach of the mysterious place they found themselves. None of them could figure out where they were, how they got there, and where their brother was. All they knew were two things: one, Hawk's katana somehow was there, which Winter now carried on her back. And two, there was a strange sensation that each sister felt. A tugging sensation within their hearts, similar to their bond to Hawk's soul.

Winter: "Girls, while I hate to say this. I think our best bet is to break into pairs."

Spring shot to her feet, her eyes showing just how terrified she was about the idea.

Spring: "Split up?! Winter that's way too risky!"

Summer had been dragging her finger in the sand, slowly drawing their father's symbol in the sand, before speaking up.

Summer: "But she has a point, Spring. We have a connection, so we will be able to find each other again if needed. Splitting into pairs will cut the search in half, while not having to be alone."

Spring's lips tightened in worry, dropping to her knees. She began to absentmindedly draw her finger through the sand, trying to get her mind to slow down her frantic thinking. Her eyes began to sting with tears upon realizing that she drew Hawk's symbol.

Spring: "Big brother..."

Autumn pulled her younger sister into a hug, rubbing small circles on Spring's back as Spring struggled to not cry. Summer and Winter exchanged pained expressions. They glanced up at the sky in worry, suddenly hearing the sound of thunder rumbling overhead.

Shortly after finding Hawk's katana, the four tried to return to Hawk, which should have been possible if he was in this strange world. But when it didn't work, their fear for their brother only increased. If Hawk's weapon was here, but he wasn't, then where was he? And a bigger question, is how did they get here without him?

Winter: "Sisters... I know things are, scary. And I so wish I had the answers to comfort your fears..."

She stood up, brushing some sand from her pants, before walking over to Spring. Winter helped her sister to her feet, as Autumn and Summer stood beside them. Winter gave a comforting smile, using her thumb to brush away Spring's tears.

Winter: "I do know this though. We are Branwens, and we are the reincarnated daughters of Ozpin. The four of us, working together, will overcome this. We are going to find our brother, and we are going to get home to see our dads."

Winter and Spring placed their foreheads together, earning a small smile from Spring. Autumn raised an eyebrow as she looked upwards, realizing that the thunder and approaching rain had suddenly vanished. Summer giggled quietly, earning the attention from her siblings.

Summer: "Oh, it's just, you reminded me of when Hawk would have to give motivational speeches. Like he did for Blake."

Winter rolled her eyes with a smirk, before she felt that pulling sensation once more. A tugging sensation from her heart. She turned her gaze to the forest ahead, closing her eyes while trying to reach Hawk. But there was no response.

Autumn: "You all feel that too?"

Spring: "That pull? Yeah..."

Summer: "I-It isn't Hawk, is it? I keep thinking he's going to call for us."

Winter: "No... it's not him. Though, it isn't unfamiliar either."


Hawk: "I love you, Weiss."
Hawk: "And I'll walk with you every step of the way, Snowflake."
Hawk: "Weiss Schnee, will you marry me?"
Hawk/Winter: "WEISS!!!"

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