Chapter 14: Best Day Ever!

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Hawk groaned running his hand through his hair in annoyance. The second semester was about to start, and instead of hanging out with his friends and girlfriend he had to look around Vale for some kind of informant. Ozpin had received a tip about a defector from the White Fang. Ozpin had called Hawk to try to find the informant before he left town. So Hawk walked through the streets, trying to find someone called Tukson.

Hawk: "I can't understand why father keeps asking me to go do things. Can't I be a regular student like the others?"

Winter: "You are the only student to be a solo team, and you are the son of both the headmaster and an expert huntsman."

Hawk sighed but knew she had a point. As he walked, he noticed two people slowly walking towards him. One was a grey haired guy, and the other was a green haired girl. The two looked like they were whispering to each other before the girl took a step away from the guy, so Hawk would walk in between them.

Hawk shrugged to himself and kept walking. The guy opened up the comic book he was carrying and started to read it while the girl casually smiled at Hawk. The girl brushed her shoulder against his as she past him and Hawk smirked to himself, and grabbed her wrist before she could touch his back pocket. The girl's eyes widened in shock and froze as Hawk gave a playful smirk at her, holding onto her wrist.

Hawk: "Cute. Now don't waste my time on playful tricks."

With that, Hawk let her go and kept walking towards the bookstore that was a block away.

The girl held onto her wrist, noticing the slight trace of ice on her wrist. The guy gave a small whistle and leaned over towards her.

Mercury: "Well Em, looks like you found your better."

Emerald: "Shut up. We need to leave quickly."

Hawk got to the doors of the bookstore and noticed all the windows were shaded and the sign on the door said closed. Hawk sighed and was about to leave when he noticed a sign on the window away from the door. The store's business hours. Hawk thought for a minute and tried the door again, noticing it was open. He peaked inside the building and saw the place was in a mess. What caught his attention was a blood stain that was splattered against the front desk. Hawk instantly pulled out his scroll and rapidly dialled the police.

Dispatch: "Vale city police."

Hawk: "I'm Hawk Branwen. A huntsman at Beacon academy. I need police sent to Tukson's Book Trade now! I think there was a murder."

Dispatch: "I've got officers on their way. Remain in the area for questioning please."

Hawk hung up and walked inside, sending a quick message to Ozpin telling him they were too late. The smell of blood was very prominent, and Hawk saw something sticking out from behind the front desk. He slowly walked around, careful not to step on anything, and saw the owner Tukson. At least what was left of him. Hawk grimaced slightly and left the store just as police arrived. They swarmed the store while two detectives interviewed Hawk. He answered a couple questions and left them his scroll number if they needed to contact him again. With that done, Hawk headed back to Beacon.

Short time skip thanks to Chibi Qrow and Hawk training together with their swords.

Teams RWBY, JNPR and Hawk were sitting in the cafeteria together. Blake was reading through multiple notes in a book, Yang was eating food that Nora was throwing at her, Weiss and Hawk were talking about the Vital Festival, Ren, Pyrrha, and Jaune were having some small talk while they ate.

Yang slid over so she was sitting beside Blake.

Yang: "Whatcha doing?"

Blake closed up her book and tucked it away.

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