Chapter 57: The Coming Storm

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The snow storm continued to blow around the group as they walked up to one of the houses at the Brunswick Farms. The wind howled around them as they stood outside the house while looking around the house.

Ruby: "I don't get it. The empty towns I've passed through were all damaged or unfinished. But this place looks... fine."

Hawk wrapped his arms around Weiss, trying to help her stay warm as they examined the other houses. Hawk had a strange feeling in the bottom of his stomach, telling him something was seriously wrong with this place. And he wasn't the only one having this feeling. Qrow was looking at some of the other houses suspiciously.

Weiss: "Maybe everyone left in a hurry. Before things took a turn?"

Hawk: "I guess that's possible. But something just feels off about this place."

Qrow nodded in agreement as he tried to open the door, finding that it was locked shut.

Qrow: "Hmm. Stay on guard."

Qrow braces himself and kicked the door open. All the huntsmen rushed inside with weapons drawn, but it was eerily quiet inside the house. All the lights of the house were off, and a layer of dust covered everything inside.

Maria: "Close the door already! It's cold enough in here as it is."

Maria walked past the huntsmen to stand inside the house. Hawk quickly walked over and closed the door, and then Blake and Oscar grabbed a nearby drawer and pushed it against the door.

Blake: "I saw a chimney from the outside. Maybe we could get a fire going?"

Weiss: "Please. I'll look for some blankets."

Qrow: "Yang, go with her."

Yang nodded and followed Weiss up the stairs as Maria and Oscar walked to the left, finding the fireplace.

Oscar: "Looks like a study. Or, a library?"

Maria: "A study most likely. I wonder who lived here."

Hawk noticed a picture frame that was covered in dust. He walked over and slowly brushed some of it off, revealing a family portrait of the Brunswick estate. Everyone was standing in front of the gate they just came through. But Hawk's attention was drawn towards a boy standing in the front row. He was very small, with red hair that stood out amongst the crowd. Hawk sighed sadly, instantly remembering and missing Roman.

Ruby walked over too look at the portrait as well, with Blake following close behind.

Blake: "What do you think?"

Ruby: "Something doesn't feel right."

Blake: "Let's look for some-"

A sudden high-pitched scream echoed through the house, coming from upstairs. Hawk was the first to react as he stared up to the second floor.

Hawk: "Weiss!"

Hawk morphed into his bird form and flew up to the second floor, while Ruby, Blake, and Qrow ran up the stairs. Hawk ran into the room that was open, finding Weiss and Yang staring at the bed with horror. Hawk gasped as the other three entered the room, all of them staring at the decomposing bodies tucked into bed.

Weiss was breathing rapidly, and Hawk gently turned her face to look away from it. He hugged her tightly, pulling her out of the room as Ruby and Blake helped Yang leave.

Hawk: "You four go down and start a fire. I'll... gather the blankets."

Qrow: "And I'll go check out the other houses. Nobody else leaves until I get back."

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