Chapter 50: Downfall

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Back on the ground level of Haven academy, the battle continued to rage on. Ruby stood beside Yang as they faced off against Emerald and Mercury. The two had been tormenting Yang with illusions while Mercury landed a cheap shot now and then. When Ruby broke Emerald's focus, it shattered the illusions.

Ruby and Yang leap to opposite targets, with Yang tackling Emerald down before she could do anything while Ruby went after Mercury. Mercury quickly responded by kicking Ruby's scythe from her hands.

Mercury: "Uh oh, what're you gonna do now?"

Ruby growled at the teasing as Mercury threw a punch at her, but to his surprise Ruby ducked the punch only to spring back up and head butted him in the face. Mercury stepped backwards, holding his nose in pain as Ruby smirked while picking up her scythe.

Ruby: "Whatever it takes to shut you up."

Yang was repeatedly attacking Emerald, who was trying to stay out of range of her punches by utilizing her chain blades to create distance.

Yang: "I saw what you did to Hawk! I'll make you regret it."

Emerald: "He deserved it!"

Yang launched forward, performing a spin kick that Emerald was just able to dodge. But Yang caught her off guard by blasting Emerald in the chest, launching her off her feet and landing hard on the ground and gasping in pain.

Yang: "That, was for tormenting Pyrrha!"

Meanwhile, Nora stood guard in front of Jaune as he continued using his newly unlocked semblance to heal Weiss.

Nora: "You guys doing okay?"

Jaune: "I- I think so. She's coming to. I just wish this would go faster."

Nora: "How about you don't complain and just be thankful you unlocked your Semblance when you did."

Jaune: "My Semblance?"

Nora: "How else do you think you're healing her, dummy?"

Jaune stared at Nora in disbelief for a moment, then looked back down at Weiss. The golden shimmering of his aura was changing to a bright blue, the same colour of Weiss' aura.

Jaune: "No. I don't think I'm healing her. Our aura heals our bodies. It feels... it feels more like I'm using my aura to amplify hers!"

Nora: "Wait, aren't you worried about running out?"

Jaune: "Pyrrha once told me I've got a lot of it. I still believe her."

Weiss quietly groaned as she slowly opened her eyes.

Weiss: "Jaune?"

Nora smiled in relief as she kept guard. Ren had been keeping Hazel distracted from Ozpin and Qrow, but Hazel finally managed to punch him into the far wall. As Ren pushed himself back up, Hazel charged up an electrical blast from his arm and fired it. The blast hit Ren causing him to scream in pain before slumping to the ground unconscious.

Nora: "REN!"

Jaune: "Go! I've got her!"

Nora gave a quick nod and charged into the fight against Hazel. Weiss blinked tiredly as she tried to move but couldn't find the energy to.

Weiss: "Jaune... what's happening?"

Jaune: "You took a heavy hit, you need to stay with me while the others fight."

Weiss let out a small sigh.

Weiss: "That's... annoying."

Despite the circumstances, Jaune gave a slight chuckle with a smile.

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