Chapter 19: Burning the Candle

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Hawk was sitting in the ballroom with Ruby as decorations were slowly put up around the room. It had been a day since Hawk's kidnapping, and Weiss has become overly protective of him ever since. He told them all about the event, but didn't tell them the fact that Roman and Neo were old friends. Hawk was worried about how they would have reacted, and possibly lose them from mistrust.

Ruby looked like she was lost in thought with a glum look on her face. Hawk was taking a short break after having to carry a fog machine for Yang.

Weiss came over and slapped her hand on the table, shaking Ruby out of her thoughts. Weiss gives a smile as she holds up two square tablecloths up.

Weiss: "I need you to pick a tablecloth."

Ruby stared blankly at the two for a second before looking back at Weiss.

Ruby: "Aren't they both the same?"

Weiss closed her eyes and sighed with frustration.

Weiss: "I don't even know why I asked! Hawk please!"

Hawk took the squares and looked closely before holding one up.

Hawk: "This one. I think it will clash with the decorations and it won't blend in completely like the other one."

Weiss beamed with a smile and kissed his cheek, taking the tablecloths from him and running off.

Weiss: "Thank you dear!"

Ruby giggled a little looking at Hawk, who was busy staring after Weiss.

Ruby: "Dear? Did you get married?"

Hawk jumped at her question while he grew a crimson blush.

Yang strolled over to them, carrying a massive sound speaker on her shoulder. Yang grinned setting the speaker down with a loud thump, causing Hawk, Ruby and the table to bounce from the impact.

Yang: "Are you teasing our cousin without me? I'm hurt!"

Hawk grumbled quietly as the two sisters giggled at his reaction. Yang took a seat between the two, looking over at Ruby.

Yang: "So, have you picked out a dress yet?"

Ruby sighed shaking her head.

Ruby: "What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going?"

Yang: Oh, don't worry; she's going. What about you Hawk? Got something picked out yet?"

Hawk: "Not yet. Weiss wants to go with me. She wants to give me a second opinion on whatever I pick."

Yang: "Well that's Weiss for you."

Yang looked over to Weiss, and jumped out of her chair looking exhausted.

Yang: "Weiss! I thought we agreed. No doilies!"

Weiss looked irritated as she marched up to Yang, pointing a finger at her face.

Weiss: "If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!"

Hawk: "I didn't carry those things just to not be used!"

The three are interrupted by the sound of doors opening. They look over to see Sun and Neptune walking in.

Neptune: "Your dance is gonna have fog machines?"

Weiss: "Hmmph. Not if I don't get my doilies."

Weiss gave a small pout face while crossing her arms in a huff. Hawk kissed her cheek, taking her hand into his. Weiss stopped her pout and leaned her head against his shoulder.

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