Chapter 16: Painting the Town...

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Hawk let out a groan as he sat beside Weiss, the two of them staring at a holographic clock that was displayed in front of her. Professor Port was giving a dramatic speech about one of his escapades, but nobody really paid attention to it.

Ruby was nearly sleeping at her desk. Yang was trying to stay focused but looked drowsy. Blake was patiently tapping her finger against the desk. Weiss kept her focus on the clock. And Hawk was tapping his fingers impatiently. As the class got closer to ending, Jaune slid over to one of the exchange students who was here for the tournament. Hawk recognized her as Dew Gayl, a member from team NDGO. Her entire team tried to flirt with him the second they saw him, much to Weiss' fury. She seemed more focused on Professor Port than Jaune though.

Jaune: "Hi, Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you. So, uh, I-I was thinking after this, maybe we could go grab a bite to eat? And, uh um, I-I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis movie, if you wanna make the trip to Vale. I hear it's awesome. Aaaand maybe after that, we could study together? I mean, you're smart and I'm, uh... Y'know."

Dew gave a mildly amused look just as Weiss' clock changed to 4:00. With a wave of her hand, she dismissed it and everyone began packing their stuff. Professor Port was posed like a monster and paused when he saw the students packing up.

Port: "And then I— Oh. Timed that one wrong, I guess. Well, the stunning conclusion to this story will have to wait. Until next time!"

Jaune: "Did you hear me?"

Dew: "No, no, no, yes."

Jaune groaned and does a faceplant into his desk. Hawk shook his head in pity as he stood up. Dew walked past him and gave a playful wink.

Dew: "Would have said yes if it was you Hawk."

RWBY walked past Jaune, and Yang ruffled Jaune's hair as she went by.

Yang: "One day."

As Hawk was about to follow them, Jaune grabbed his arm which surprised him. Jaune gave pleading eyes as he looked up at Hawk.

Jaune: "How?! How does every girl seem to fall for you? Can you teach me?!"

Hawk: "I don't know that answer Jaune. But I can tell you that someone is out there for you. Might be closer than you think."

As he said that, he glanced at Pyrrha who watched with worry. Hawk patted Jaune on the shoulder and left the classroom.

Hawk made his way to his room and quickly got changed into his regular outfit, making sure his sword was properly secured to his waist before pulling on his jacket. He took a look in the mirror and smiled.

Summer: "Ever thought about changing it up at all?"

Hawk looked turned to see that his sisters had materialized and were lounging around the room.

Hawk: "Why change something if it looks good?"

Winter: "Your self-confidence is astounding brother."

Hawk just shrugged his shoulders and adjusted the collar of his jacket again before making his way to the door. He opened it to find someone standing there, as if she was listening in. The girl had green eyes and her black hair was tied in pigtails. Her eyes widened as Hawk stared down at her.

Hawk: "Can I help you?"

The girl gave a smirk and shook her head, before she skipped away leaving Hawk confused. He watched her go around the corner before he left his room and headed to RWBY's room.

He gave a quick knock on the door, and it opened and an arm grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him in. Hawk stared surprised as Weiss kissed him on the cheek and walked back to her bunk, taking a seat and finished adjusting her weapon's dust cylinder. The entire team were wearing a different outfit than usual. Ruby was on her bunk tightening the laces on her shoes, Blake was finishing with ribbons that were around her arms, and Yang was loading up her gauntlets.

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