Chapter 91: Creation

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Ruby: "That's actually a risk we haven't considered."

The group were still sitting together outside of the manor, exchanging surprised glances as Ruby started to beam with a plan. Jaune's eyes widened as the others began to understand what Ruby was planning.

Jaune: "We've been so worried about keeping the Vault closed that we never considered using what's inside."

Ozpin: "The Staff of Creation."

Ruby: "Maybe we could use it to save Penny and get everyone in Atlas and Mantle back to safety."

Hawk: "Ruby, you are brilliant. Now, we just need a way to-"

Hawk stopped when Weiss' scroll started beeping. The others watched as Weiss opened her scroll, a surprised smile coming to her face.

Weiss: "Well, you'll never guess who I just heard from."


Winter had escorted Marrow away from the Ace Ops and Ironwood, shoving him into the elevator. The minute the door closed and they were out of sight, Winter removed the bindings from his wrist. Then she pressed a floor before crossing her arms. Marrow stood there in surprise, massaging his sore wrists.

Marrow: "So, you're not arresting me?"

Winter: "No. Ironwood's got to be stopped."

Marrow: "Then why did you hit me?!"

Marrow fronted Winter, but she pushed him back while jabbing her finger against his chest.

Winter: "Because you were about to get killed if I didn't do something."

Marrow grunted and turned away from her, grumbling to himself about how she could have been more gentle with the false arrest. Winter didn't pay him any attention as she pulled out her scroll and begun typing. Marrow's curiosity was getting the better of him, as he tried to peek over her shoulder.

Marrow: "What are you doing?"

Winter: "What I should've done ages ago, getting in touch with my sister. We're going to need help."

Just as Winter was about to finish the message, the elevator dinged and opened. Winter and Marrow stared in surprise, at Qrow and Robyn who stood on the other side who were looking equally surprised. Recovering from the surprise, Winter couldn't help but smirk.

Winter: "Speaking of help."


The group had reconvened inside the manor's dining room. Hawk felt immense relief from Winter's message, which told them that herself, Marrow, Qrow, and Robyn would help them stop Ironwood. The group sat around the large table, as Jaune sat beside Penny to keep amping her aura to fight the virus.

Weiss: "So we've got people trapped in Atlas, and Mantle that we can't evacuate unless we use the Staff which is located inside the Vault. If we open the Vault, Penny terminates. If Ironwood gets wind of any of this, he blows up Mantle."

Oscar: "There's something else to consider. Once the Staff creates anything else, the city drops. Atlas has enough natural gravity dust to keep it from plummeting immediately, but, well, nobody's going to want to be around when it touches down."

Checking to make sure she was ok, Jaune stopped using his semblance on Penny before he spoke.

Jaune: "Okay, then let's use the Staff to teleport everyone to safety. Maybe even to another kingdom."

Oscar simply shook his head as he rested his chin in his hands.

Oscar: "We can't just wave it like a magic wand and make our problems go away. And we haven't even told you about... him."

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