Chapter 29: Never Miss a Beat

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The next day after Winter had left Beacon, Hawk was the first match for the day in the two-on-two rounds. Hawk vs two members from team STEL (steel): Sandra Gleams and Terrance Hammers from Mistral.

Hawk was already on the stadium, waiting for his opponents who were running late. Hawk groaned as he stood there with his arms crossed.

Hawk: "Seriously! What is taking so long?!"

Oobleck: "This is the final call for team STEL! Would the fighters please come to the arena before-"

Sandra: "WAIT!!"

Sandra and Terrance were sprinting through the doors and running to the middle of the arena. Sandra had long sandy-blonde hair that was tied in a ponytail. Her outfit was a mix of black and metallic grey, wearing a tank top with shoulder pads and a shooting brace on her left arm with fingerless gloves. She was carrying a compound bow while trying to sling her quiver over her shoulder. Terrance was a bigger built man and shaved bald. He had a large two handed battle axe hooked onto his back, where there was blades on both side that were shaped in a crescent. Terrance was wearing a large grey overcoat with a silver muscle shirt under it.

Terrance: "Apologies for our tardiness. Someone thought it would be amusing to hide our equipment in random lockers."

Sandra: "I swear, when I find who did it... I will use their head as a dart board!"

Hawk sighed shaking his head before unsheathing his sword.

Hawk: "Better late than never. You two ready now? Nice bow by the way."

Sandra beamed as she held it out, showing the intricate carvings along the bow. It had a mix of symbols and grooves along the entire bow length.

Sandra: "Thanks! Can't believe I'm fighting another bow user! Most people use guns these days."

Port: "Now that all contenders are here... finally. Let's load up the roulette wheel and start the two-on-two match between Hawk from Beacon against Sandra and Terrance from Mistral."

The wheels began spinning as the fighters watched it closely. The first wheel came to a stop on a glacier, then the second spinner also stopped on glacier.

Port: "Oh hoho! What a rare treat! This match will be set in a complete frozen tundra!"

Oobleck: "My, I do hope everyone brought something warm today."

Sandra and Terrance watched surprised as both sides of the arena changed to the frozen tundra. Ice glaciers raised from the ground as the entire terrain became layered in snow and ice.

Sandra shivered horribly clutching her arms, her teeth starting to chatter as the temperature started to drop in the dome.

Sandra: "Oh! C-c-come on! Of a-a-all the times to get the f-f-freaking frozen tundra!"

Hawk looked at her in pity, and looked behind him to see Weiss and the rest of RWBY watching. The two locked eyes, with Hawk motioning to his jacket. Weiss' eyes widened when she understood and gave a slow nod.

Hawk: "Sandra. You can borrow this."

Hawk pulled off his jacket, leaving him with a simple t-shirt with Qrow's emblem stitched into the back. A recent present from his dad after the two were reunited. Sandra watched surprised as Hawk handed her the jacket, then took a step back. Sandra quickly slipped the jacket on, sighing happily from the instant heat.

Sandra: "Hawk, thank you! But why?"

Hawk gave a smirk as his bow formed in his left hand.

Hawk: "I want a fair fight. What fun would it be to shoot a frozen target?"

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