Chapter 25: Round One

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The sun casted a pleasant warmth and glow on the island called the Patch. The leaves were beginning to change due to autumn approaching. Despite the warmth of the sun, there was a slight chill in the air.

Hawk adjusted his jacket as a breeze picked up. He stood quietly by the tree line, looking out to Ruby. She stood in front of a gravestone of Summer Rose. Hawk sighed softly and leaned on the closest tree, watching Ruby lower her hood.

Ruby: "Hey, mom. Sorry I haven't come by in a while. Things have been... well, things have been, pretty busy. Oh, Dad's here, too! He's, uh, you know... Dad. He's still teaching at Signal. But he told me that he's going to be on some mission soon. I think he misses adventuring with you. I miss you too."

Ruby takes a pause, composing herself as she keeps her sad smile.

Ruby: "Haven't gotten kicked out of Beacon yet! So that's cool. I think being on a team with Yang helps. Keep her in line... That was a joke. She's actually a really great fighter! You can tell she's learned a lot from Dad! And there's also Hawk. He actually got onto a solo team! I know you wouldn't be surprised. He's been on missions with us. And with Weiss and Blake. Oh! They're my teammates! Together, we form Team RWBY! And yes, before you ask, that does cause a lot of confusion. Anyways, I made a bunch of new friends, and then I met some... let's just say, uh, odd teachers. Oh! We've also stopped some bad guys, too! I guess it's like they say: 'like mother, like daughter'! I still wonder why Ozpin let me into the school early. But uh, I guess he'll tell me one day. You know how he is. It's funny, the more I get to know him, the more he's starting to sound like Uncle Qrow."

As Hawk listened, Taiyang walked up beside him and placed a hand on Hawk's shoulder. Zwei walked between the two and gave a bark. Ruby turned her head to see the three standing there.

Ruby: "Oh! Looks like Dad's back! I gotta go! He's dropping me off at Beacon for the tournament match before he goes on his next mission. Wish me luck! And I think Hawk wants to speak to you too!"

Ruby raised her hood and started to walk towards them, but stopped. She looked back at the grave.

Ruby: "It was good to talk."

Hawk walked over and met Ruby half way. He wore a sad smile and pulled her into a quick hug that she gladly returned.

Hawk: "You three go ahead. I'll catch up."

Ruby nodded and ran over to Tai. Hawk walked to the grave, silently reading the inscription. Summer Rose, Thus Kindly I Scatter. Hawk knelt down in front of the grave, just as some birds took to the sky and flew in front of the sun.

Hawk: "Hey Summer. Can you believe Ruby made it to Beacon? I couldn't. But she definitely belongs there. Ruby spoiled the surprise, but yeah, I made it on my own team. It's been challenging, but I always have my friends to help me. And, I actually got a girlfriend too! Weiss is incredible! I know you'd approve of her. I also learned more about my past. Turns out I'm actually Ozpin's son! So I have two awesome parents! I bet you'd laugh at how similar I am to my dad Qrow."

Hawk closed his eyes, feeling some tears building but kept his smile.

Hawk: "Oum, I miss you. I never got to tell you this. But even though I was adopted, and dad never had been married, I saw you as my mom... You loved some strange child who was picked up from the streets. Without hesitation, you all welcomed me into your family.

The tears started to fall down his face as Hawk placed his hand on the rose emblem carved into the stone.

Hawk: "Thank you Summer. For being the greatest auntie and mother figure to me. I'll see you later... Since I remember how much you hated saying goodbyes."

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