Chapter 24: Breach

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On the rooftops of Beacon

Smoke billowing upwards that contrasted the early sun rise could be seen all the way from Beacon academy, as well as the distant sounds of sirens. Cinder watched with a slightly troubled look. The plan was supposed to take place days from now. As she watched, she heard the footsteps of Emerald and Mercury approach from behind.

Emerald: "Is that..?"

Mercury: "Looks like."

Emerald: "But that's days from now."

Mercury: "So, what should we do?"

Cinder kept watching the smoke for a brief moment before answering Mercury.

Cinder: "We go salvage this mess."

Back in Vale

Hawk stood alongside team RWBY, the five of them forming a circle with Grimm surrounding them. The King Taijitu unleashed a mighty roar, signalling the start of the attack as the army of Grimm surged forward toward the five students.

Ruby planted the tip of her scythe into the ground, and began rapidly kicking Grimm away from her. Yang shot her gauntlets below her, shooting herself up into the sky. From there, she began to bombard the area in front of her with explosions. Suddenly, Nevermores flew by and knocked Yang out of the sky and crashed back to the ground. Weiss slashed three Beowolves down at once, then summoned a giant sword that slashed more away from her. Blake had just cut down a Beowolf before shooting her weapon at the fast approaching Grimm. Hawk had split his sword into two and began slashing at any Grimm near him. He stabbed both blades into the chest of an Ursa, then jumped from the body into the air. As he came back down, he channeled his semblance and created large ice spikes around him; killing Grimm while giving himself breathing room.

Hawk had his bow in his hand just as the King Taijitu unleashed another roar, ready to get into the fight. Just as it was about to slither towards them, Hawk heard the sound of an explosion followed by familiar sounding laughter. He glanced up to see Nora sailing through the air with her hammer raised above her head.


With her battle cry, Nora smashed the top of the King Taijitu's head. The impact smashed the head into the ground and killing it instantly. With a giggle, Nora bounced away and rejoined her teammates.

Pyrrha: "Let's move!"

Pyrrha, Nora and Ren charged into combat. Jaune huffed quietly, annoyed that he wasn't leading the charge, but quickly ran into the fray.

Jaune: "Okay, who's first?"

The loud thumps of heavy footsteps make Jaune spun around as a giant Ursa stands on its hind legs behind him. Jaune smiles nervously as he takes a couple steps away.

Hawk and Pyrrha ended up back-to-back as they stabbed the Grimm in front of them. Pyrrha glances over and gasped in shock, seeing Jaune standing against the Ursa.

Jaune: "Oh-oh-okay, you're first, huh? Okay, no, that's fine. Totally fine, done this before, done this before..."

Jaune closed his eyes for a second, taking a breath before looking up at the Grimm. With a mighty scream, he began slicing the Ursa repeatedly. The Ursa was unable to attack as the slashed took its toll. Jaune stopped slashing, holding his shield for the counter attack. But the Ursa fell backwards dead. Hawk and Pyrrha shared a smile before Sun and Neptune showed up. They struck a dramatic pose and flashed badges.

Sun: "Nobody move! Junior detectives!"

Neptune: "We have badges so you know it's official!"

The two share a fist bump, before the sounds of roaring engines could be heard. Everyone looked up to see the Atlesian Military start to deploy drop-ships that were filled with Atlas androids.

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