Chapter 70: Reassurance

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It had been a week since his mission with Weiss, Vine and Marrow. Since then, Hawk has been on two more missions. One mission had himself and Ruby protecting the wall of Mantle, and the second mission Hawk was partnered up with Yang and Blake as the three of them cleared out a small Grimm infestation at one of the dust mines.

Hawk was now sitting in the cafeteria of Atlas academy, drinking a cup of coffee as he read about the future election on his scroll. He was curious about this Robyn Hill, and why she was running for the council seat. From what he could figure out, and from talking to the others, Robyn seemed to be someone who was a hero to Mantle. She stood against corruption and fought for those who couldn't be heard.

???: "Is it ok if I sit here?"

Hawk glanced up to see someone standing beside him. The man seemed to be around Hawk's age, short black hair, rectangular glasses, and dark blue eyes. He was wearing a dark blue hoodie with the hood up and on the right side of his chest had a howling wolf crest, and was also wearing blue jeans. Tucked under his arm was some type of electronic journal, and he had a pen tucked behind his ear.

Hawk: "Sure, go ahead."

???: "Thanks. Been trying to find a quiet place to write but everywhere I went was too noisy."

The guy took a seat beside Hawk, placing an order for a coffee as he set down his tablet in front of him. Hawk chuckled a bit as he quietly continued to read.

???: "You're Hawk, right?"

Hawk: "That's me, and you are?"

The man gave a cheeky smirk as he took his newly arrived coffee and raised it to sip.

???: "Me? My name wouldn't mean much to you. After all, this is your tale..."

Hawk: "Huh?"

The man didn't seem to hear him as he rapidly began typing on the tablet, his fingers moving at a blur.

Hawk: "What are you writing?"

???: "Oh, just another chapter to my story. People seem to love it, which honestly makes me so proud to be a writer."

Hawk: "A story? What's it about?"

The man chuckled as his fingers stopped typing for a moment. He pushed up his glasses before looking at Hawk.

???: "Why you of course."

Hawk stared at the guy, waiting for some follow up to show it was a joke. The man sighed and waved his hand absentmindedly.

???: "Oh shoot. I broke the wall. Oh well, you won't remember this anyways."

Hawk: "What are you talking about? Seriously who are you?"

???: "That's not the question you want the answer to, now is it? The real question you want to ask is, who are you?"

The man pointed a finger at Hawk with his left hand, while his write hand continued to write without him even looking.

Hawk: "I don't know what you mean."

???: "Yes you do. I know you Hawk. I know your past, your sisters, your parentage, everything."

Hawk's eyes widened in shock, his breathing quickening as his hand resting on the counter tightened into a fist.

???: "Oh, no point of having a panic attack. Calm, down."

Hawk felt the tension leave his body, and he suddenly felt relaxed. The man smiled as he glanced over his shoulder, watching Atlas students carry on with their day.

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