Chapter 69: The New Norm

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After the big party to celebrate the teams becoming professional huntsmen, everyone was excited to start working on missions. Ruby and Yang were selected to hunt down the rogue Sabyr that was prowling in the sewers of Mantle. Ren and Nora were scheduled to deliver the supplies of dust to the Colosseum. Jaune was going to escort the children to school, at first he was upset but he slowly accepted the task. Weiss and Hawk would go patrol outside the wall of Mantle, in an attempt to find the unknown disturbances that scanners had detected two days ago.

Marrow and Elm recommended to them to turn in early, because the mission briefings would start in the morning. RWBY and Hawk walked together towards the dorms, wondering what their first individual missions will be like.

Ruby: "Is it wrong to be nervous?"

They stopped just outside the girls' room.

Hawk: "Not really. But what are you nervous about?"

Ruby: "It's just... we've been travelling, fighting... living together for so long. I'm not sure how I feel about fighting without all of you."

Yang smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Yang: "Ruby, it'll be ok. You and I can handle this, and then we'll see each other after."

Weiss: "Hawk, could you..."

Hawk raised an eyebrow as Weiss bashfully fidgeted with her ponytail.

Weiss: "Could you stay with me tonight? Please? That confrontation with father is still, bothering me."

Hawk kissed her forehead, pulling her close to hug her.

Hawk: "Of course, Snowflake. Is it ok with you three?"

The other girls gave him small smiles.

Ruby: "Of course."

Blake: "No trouble."

Yang: "I mean, you did before back at Beacon."

Hawk chuckled and nodded, rushing to his room and quickly got changed into his nightwear. Then, he joined Weiss in her bunk, the two snuggling close while Weiss clung to him.

Weiss: "Hawk, please be careful around him. Father has a way of getting what he wants. I don't want to lose you."

Hawk: "You won't Snowflake. I proposed to you because I plan on never leaving your side. I won't break that promise now, or ever."

Weiss nodded, feeling some reassurance as the two of them drifted to sleep.

Short time skip brought to you by Chibi Ironwood practice reading his speeches using flash cards.

Penny: "Salutations!"

Penny threw her arms into the air in excitement as she shouted inside RWBY's room. The four girls let out a startled scream as they shot up in surprise. Hawk yelled and rolled off Weiss' bed, landing on the floor with a groan.

Penny: "Good morning, team RWBY! Oh, and good morning to you too, Hawk!"

Hawk let out another groan in response. Yang rubbed her eyes, struggling to stay awake as she let out a long sigh.

Yang: "Ugh, Penny. What time is it even?"

Penny smiled and gave a two fingered salute with a wink.

Penny: "Time to be huntresses and huntsmen, of course!"

Weiss, Blake, Hawk, and Yang all groaned at the same time. Ruby, however, yelled in excitement as she jumped from her bed and ran into the bathroom. Within seconds, she was dressed in her combat uniform before anyone could move.

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