Chapter 80: Divide

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Wolf: "It's finally time."

He picked up the book that he closed what seems like a long time ago. Brushing off a bit of dust off the cover, Wolf sits down at his desk and opens the book to where he left his bookmark. The blank page seemed to glow as a smile came to his face.

Wolf: "Now... where was I?"


Hawk: "Mother... you're here."

Hawk's eyes burned as he placed his hand against the window of the airship, looking out towards the Leviathan class Grimm. Even if he couldn't see her, he knew she was there.

Salem: "Yes, my son. I'm here. And at last, we will finally reunite."

Hawk grew a smile on his face as he saw the reflection in front of him warp, and suddenly Salem was there in the reflection. She returned his smile while holding out her arms to him.

Ruby: "Hawk! What are you doing?"

Hawk's hand froze as it reached for the switch to open the door he was facing. Hawk glanced over to Ruby with a heartbroken look on his face.

Hawk: "Ruby... she's here. My mother is finally so close, that I-"

Weiss: "Oh Snowbird..."

Hawk felt arms wrap around his chest as Weiss held onto him, resting her head on his back.

Weiss: "I understand... but we need you here. Please Hawk. Don't leave me again..."

Hawk bowed his head, resting it against the glass before exhaling slowly. He quietly whispered an apology as he looked out towards the incoming Grimm invasion, before speaking up to the others.

Hawk: "Girls, you're right. I-I'm sorry, it's just-"

Yang and Ruby gave Hawk a hug on each side of him as Blake stood beside Weiss, placing a comforting hand on his left shoulder. After a moment, they helped Hawk sit back down in a chair so Jaune could keep boosting his aura to finish healing.

Penny: "Hawk... you still look..."

Hawk glanced at the window, catching a slight reflection of his Grimm side looking back at him. Hawk closed his eyes and focused, but it didn't seem to change back to normal. Hawk let out a dry chuckle before speaking.

Hawk: "My mother is amazing. Even at this distance, I'm feeling her power coursing through me. It must be the reason why I look the way I do."

Pietro: "Incredible..."

Jaune: "We can focus on that later. Right now, we need to find someplace to lay low. They'll be looking for us."

Ruby: "But Oscar-"

Maria: "Will be fine for a few moments. It would be pointless to try and find him, only to get ourselves captured."

Nora: "But, where can we go? Back to Pietro's workshop?"

Pietro started having a harsh coughing fit, getting Penny to hold onto his hand for support until he finished.

Pietro: "No I'm afraid not. That would be the first place they'd search."

Penny: "Then... where should we go?"

Nobody had an answer, until Hawk's scroll suddenly started to beep. Everyone looked at him with worry as Hawk opened his scroll, his eyes widening in surprise before answering it.

Hawk: "Fiona? Is that you?"

Fiona: "Hawk! Finally! I've been trying to call you! When I saw the arrest notice for your friends, and the kill notice... Are you guys ok?"

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