Chapter 33: Battle of Beacon

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Hawk stood with the other students inside the Colosseum, staring at Ruby as he attempted to break her out of her shock. His scroll began to beep and Hawk quickly pulled out the portable ear piece and slipped it into his ear.

Blake: "Yang? Hawk? Are you two alright?!"

Yang: "I'm fine. Is Ruby with you? She's not answering her scroll."

Hawk: "She's with me. Shaken up, but she's fine."

Weiss: "Hawk, where are you?"

Hawk: "Still in the Colosseum."

Weiss: "I just can't believe this. And Penny..."

Hawk closed his eyes and sighed, then looked back up at the Nevermore.

Hawk: "There will be time to grieve later. Right now, we need to make sure nobody else dies tonight."

Yang: "I'm headed to the docks near the courtyard. The White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school!"

Blake: "The White Fang is here?! Yang!"

Hawk listened worriedly as the sounds of gunfire and Grimm growling could be heard over the communications. Yang grunted as the sound of her gauntlets fires.

Yang: "Ugh! Gotta go! Be careful!"

The call ends, making Hawk more worried about the others.


Hawk spun around to look at the Nevermore, its attacks had finally begun to break through the shield. Hawk left Ruby where she was and ran back towards Pyrrha, just as the Nevermore crashed through the ceiling. Hawk quickly tackled Pyrrha out of the way to avoid getting crushed, then stood in front of her as the Nevermore screeched at them. Suddenly, a blur of red rose petals attacked the Nevermore which caused it to recoil.

Hawk: "Ruby."

Ruby stood in front of them with one of Penny's swords, holding it at the ready while her face showed fury towards the Grimm.

Ruby: "Leave them alone!"

The Nevermore takes to the sky and swoops around the entire arena before lounging towards the group. Hawk's hand began to glow as he stood beside Ruby, both ready to attack. Suddenly, a barrage of lockers came flying out of the sky and pinned the Grimm down to the ground. The Grimm screeched again before another locker landed on its head and knocked it unconscious.

Students ran up the body, quickly grabbing their weapons from the respected lockers. Hawk could see all of teams SSSN, CVFY, AQUA, and ABRN. He also saw the rest of JNPR running towards them as well as noticing Neon and Flynt from FNKI. Hawk pulled out his scroll, quickly calling down his own locker beside the three of them. Just as he clipped his sword to his waist, the Nevermore woke up.

Ren began to use the blades of his weapon to slash down on the Nevermore, and Hawk took that distraction to fire a blast of ice at the Grimm's legs, which froze it to the spot. Arslan Altan tossed Yatsuhashi her rope dart and swung him up into the air. Quinton from AQUA activated his braces, then vaulted Sage up into the sky after Yatsuhashi. Nora laughed as she leaped through the air and bashed the Nevermore on the top of its head, knocking it down to the ground. That's when the two broadsword users came down, delivering a synchronized slash on the creature's neck and beheading it. Ruby and Hawk look over to see Pyrrha looking guiltily at Penny's body again.

Pyrrha: "Ruby... I'm so sorry."

Ruby: "Me too."

Hawk: "Pyrrha. It wasn't your fault. I'm sorry that I failed to save both of you."

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