Chapter 18: Remember Me?

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Hawk hummed to himself as he walked through the empty parts of Vale, heading over to Junior's for a quick drink. Lately, Weiss and Yang have been busy getting everything for the dance ready since they took over for CFVY. Ruby was stressing about Blake, trying to convince her to come. Hawk sighed a bit as he turned the corner on the block, seeing Junior's bar in the distance.

Hawk: "Maybe the girls are right. I should try to cut down on the alcohol before I turn into pops."

As he muttered to himself, but he didn't notice someone was following closely behind him. Hawk kept on walking, before hearing the sounds of a second pair of footsteps. Hawk grabbed his sword and spun around, but it was already too late. Hawk felt something hit him hard on the back of the head, sending Hawk to the ground and knocking him unconscious.

Small time skip brought to you by Chibi Hawk, sitting in a chair with stars floating around his head.

???: "I hope I didn't hit him too hard. You sure he's actually the same person? It's been years."

Hawk groaned slowly regaining conscious. He couldn't see anything around him, but he was strapped into a chair with a dim light hanging above him. His sword was removed from his waist, and he couldn't feel his scroll in his pocket. Hawk cursed silently for letting his guard down so easily.

Two people who were hidden in the shadows slowly walked towards him. Hawk tried to move, but no matter how much he struggled it didn't do anything.

???: "Hawk calm down. We aren't going to hurt you."

Hawk: "Tell that to the massive lump on the back of my head!"

The shadows stopped moving, as if silently conversing with each other. The small sound of a groan came out before they stepped into the light. Roman and Neo.

Roman: "I'm sorry about that buddy. But you did go for the sword."

Hawk glared and fought against the binds with more ferocity.

Hawk: "Torchwick! What do you want with me?!"

Neo looked sad and walked over to Hawk. Hawk paused fighting, watching the girl closely. Neo smiled and hopped into his lap, pulling out her scroll and holding it to him. The scroll showed a picture of three children who were standing outside of a small carnival. Hawk recognized Neo thanks to the hair, and he also recognized himself. The third child looked older than the two of them, and had bright orange hair.

Roman: "Remember me now, pal?"

Hawk stared at him shocked. Neo patted Hawk's shoulder and got up, leaning against Hawk. Roman chuckled as he took off the hat and gave a small bow.

Roman: "Now, I'll be honest. I didn't recognize you at all back at the docks. It took our little Neo to help me remember those days. Almost a life time ago isn't it?"

Roman put his hat back on and leaned on his cane, giving a small grin to Hawk. Hawk lowered his head and sighed quietly.

Hawk: "I feel so stupid for not remembering any of you. You're right Roman. It was a life time ago."

Flashback to "a life time ago."

Hawk and Neo had become good friends ever since the two had ice cream together. Hawk found that he was running around Vale with her while Qrow went on missions around the kingdom. Soon after he met her, the two had met Roman. He was older than the two, but his situation was very similar to theirs. Roman had said he was a sole survivor from a settlement he lived at. The three of them would go around Vale together, and always help the other. When Neo started to get bullied because she couldn't speak, Roman and Hawk would protect her. When Hawk felt alone because Qrow was gone on mission, when his uncle Tai couldn't help, Roman and Neo would be there. And when Roman got into trouble because of his shenanigans, the others would come to the rescue.

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