Chapter 92: Worthy

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Oscar: "What do we do now?"

Oscar, Jaune, Nora, Ren, and Emerald were still standing beside the now useless broadcasting terminal, staring at the portal that had suddenly materialized beside them.

Ren: "We stick to the plan."

Nora: "How? Without the CCT there's no way we can tell all of Atlas to just step into a bunch of freaky magic doors."

The group stood there pondering the situation, while Emerald cautiously approached the portal to examine it. Ren suddenly perked up when an idea hit him.

Ren: "But there is. We use the portals ourselves, and spread the word on foot."

Emerald: "Are we positive these things work?"

The group look towards Jaune, who looked looked at them with confusion before he realized what they meant. With a groan, Jaune walked over to the portal. He reached out with one arm, slowly reaching through the portal. Chuckling at how it seemed safe, Jaune let out a yelp when Emerald suddenly pushed him through the portal.

Ren, Nora, and Oscar gave a look at Emerald, who shrugged nonchalantly.

Emerald: "We're in a rush, aren't we?"

Jaune tumbled through the other side of the portal, trying desperately not to vomit from the experience. He gazed in awe at the starry area, with glowing bridges that led from multiple portals, to link up with one large portal on the opposite end. There were even platforms that spread in between the portals, where the light bridges would connect to.

After a moment, the others walked through after Jaune. They also gazed in wonder at the strange area, until they focused on Jaune while he discussed the plan.

Jaune: "Okay, we can do this. Nora and I will get people through the gates. Everyone else, keep to your roles. Remember, the evacuation is priority one no matter what else happens."

Ren: "You're sure you won't need more help?"

Nora: "Shade is armed to the teeth with Huntsmen and Huntresses, but we're about to throw a whole kingdom's worth of negativity on their doorstep. If anyone will need help, it's them."

Ren proudly smiled at Nora, the two hugging before Ren ran towards the portal that led to Vacuo. Emerald let out a small sigh but nodded to Jaune, before she followed Ren. Oscar gave a quick salute, and followed the two. Jaune and Nora exchanged a look before nodding to each other. Then, they split up, each heading to a different portal to start escorting people through the portals.

Hawk, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, and Penny just walked through their own portal, staring with amazement at the strange creation that Ambrosius made. Hawk glanced to the side, smiling a bit when he saw Fiona walk through one of the portals with the other Happy Huntressses. Fiona excitedly waved up to them, as May laughed while smiling.

May: "Figured you wouldn't let us down!"

The group waved back as Joanna took the lead, escorting the citizens from Mantle across the light bridge. Then, they began to walk down their own bridge, Weiss looking around with a small frown.

Weiss: "I thought there'd be more people by now."

Ruby: "Our job is getting Penny and the Staff to Vacuo. Until then, we have to trust the others. I'm sure they can handle it."


Ren, Emerald and Oscar were mere steps away from the Vacuo portal, stopping just in front of it to finalize their plan.

Oscar: "We should end up just outside the city limits of Vacuo. Enough space for refugees but still within range of communication."

Ren: "All right, I'll focus on masking emotions for as long as I can. Call for help as soon as we cross."

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