Chapter 93: The Final Word

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Hello everyone, Wolf here. Before you begin this chapter, I wanted to say a few words.

First of all, a massive thank you to everyone of my followers and friends who have stuck with me all this time. The amount of support and feedback has been incredible, and I couldn't ask for a better community to be apart of. I look forward to continuing on this and other projects for all of you.

Secondly, I felt that I should put this little warning in as RT did for the episode. Some parts may be disturbing for some of you. As someone who fights through clinical depression on a regular basis, I understand how bleak the world may be, and how empty one can feel inside.

Please, if you are struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, stop and remember a few things. Even if you don't believe it, there are people who love you, there are people who care about you, and there are people you can talk to.

Please be safe, because despite how the world may seem dark... it would be worse without you in it.


Within the Atlas vault, Winter was locked in a life and death fight with Ironwood. Neither one held anything back in their fight, despite that not so long ago they were allies. Winter tried to slash down on Ironwood with her sword, but when he blocked her arm with his own, she stabbed at him with her short dagger. Ironwood dodged the attack and responded by trying to hit Winter with his cannon. Winter used a glyph at her feet to leap into the air, gracefully flipping in the air to land atop of one of the pillars that surround the platform.

Ironwood: "Winter, do not blame me!"

With the cannon fully charged, Ironwood fired at Winter, forcing her to leap out of the way as the pillar was obliterated. As she flew through the air, she created five glyphs above her that rained ice shards down at the general.

Ironwood: "I have sacrificed everything!"

Ironwood had rolled out of the way from the ice, allowing Winter to safely land on the platform, using her glyphs to charge at the general.

Winter: "No, you have sacrificed everyone else! You closed the borders, you squeezed Mantle until it broke!"

As she spoke, the two repeatedly clashed blow after blow, before they locked their weapons. Ironwood's fury was getting the best of him as he glared down at Winter, charging his cannon while pushing it down closer to Winter's head. Her eyes began to widen as the glowing barrel came even closer to her head.

Ironwood: "I've only done what's best for Remnant, and no one is grateful!"

Ironwood pulled one of his pistols from the cannon, and used it to pistol whip Winter a few times before kicking her backwards. He placed the pistol back into the cannon, and advanced on Winter with a murderous look in his eyes.


Hawk and Cinder clashed in the air with their weapons, fire and ice swirling around them as they attempted to overpower the other. Flying into each other repeatedly with every clash, Hawk attempted to stab Cinder with his hidden blade, but Cinder managed to knock his arm aside. She brought her Grimm arm up to punch Hawk, but that's when Penny slashed her back with her blades, causing Cinder to grunt in pain before chasing Penny through the sky.

Penny fired blasts at Cinder while flying from her, but Cinder would either dodge them or counter with her own fire. Cinder shot out another fireball, striking Penny which caused her to spin in the air. Cinder grinned in excitement as her Grimm arm stretched out to grab Penny, but suddenly Hawk appeared between the two. His burning red eyes seemed to glow with rage as he caught her arm, his touch burning Cinder's arm, earning a scream of pain from her.

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