Chapter 76: Out in the Open

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Hawk and Weiss were free falling together towards the streets of Mantle. Teryxes and Nevermores flew above them as Beowolves, Sabyrs and Goliaths ran through the streets.

Weiss pointed her sword towards the ground, creating multiple glyphs that went in a diagonal pattern. The two of them used the glyphs and jumped from one to the next, safely landing on the ground.

Some of the citizens were running towards them in a panic as a pack of Sabyrs were chasing closely behind them. Hawk held out his glowing left hand, and swiped in front of him. A horizontal wave of ice flew over the citizens and collided into the pack of Grimm, splitting them in two.

Hawk: "Get to a shelter, help is on the way."

The group ran, yelling out their thanks as they did. Weiss glanced at Hawk with slight worry just as Nora and Marrow ran around the corner from the next block.

Marrow: "You guys ok? Come on, we need to get to the next sector."

Weiss: "Right behind you. Hawk, are you sure you don't want to join us?"

Hawk placed his hand on her cheek, giving a reassuring look.

Hawk: "I'm sure, Snowflake. Don't worry, I'll see you soon."

Hawk quickly kissed Weiss, before breaking away and leaving the group. Weiss had a longing look as he left, rounding the corner and disappeared from her sight. Nora had placed her hand on Weiss' shoulder, and Weiss silently nodded.

Hawk came across the breach in the wall, seeing the massive amounts of Megoliaths pushing through. Hawk took a deep breath before his powers began to grow. A cold wind blew around him as his eyes glowed white, then that glow began to envelop his entire body. Some of the citizens who were trying to run paused in admiration at the sight as Hawk lifted off the ground, glaring at the hole.

Hawk: "Everyone, remain calm. We will protect you."

Hawk held out his hands, blasting blinding beams of ice at the swarm of Grimm. The closest Megoliaths let out a surprised roar as the beams blasted through the middle of their heads, going clean through to hit the ones behind them. Hawk kept a neutral look as his beams kept striking down Megoliaths, until they reached their destination. The moment the beams hit the sides of the wall, layers of ice built itself to seal the hole. Civilians cheered as Hawk lowered to the ground, drops of sweat running down his brow as he kept a steady stream at the wall.

Hawk: "I'll hold this as long as I can, but you all need to get to shelters. More help is coming."

Hawk felt a slight nudge on his knee, and he glanced away from the wall to see the boy and Faunus girl whom he walked home after the murder at the auditorium.

Boy: "Mister, thank you!"

Girl: "You're my hero, Huntsman!"

Hawk chuckled a bit and motioned his head, telling them to get going.

Hawk: "Stay safe you two."

They ran with the other civilians which left Hawk on his own, holding the breach. Hawk clenched his jaw as Megoliaths continuously bashed their heads into his ice. He stopped any more from getting in, but there was still a lot of Grimm in Mantle for the others to fight. As he thought of this, his thoughts drifted to Weiss.

Hawk: "Stay safe, my little Snowflake..."

Somewhere else in Mantle, Weiss smiled to herself as she placed her hand over her heart. A sudden warmth had spread through her body, starting from her heart. It was something that happened whenever Hawk called her Snowflake. Her smile quickly faded as she charged into the fight with Marrow and Nora.

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