Chapter 56: So That's How It Is

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Yang: "Salem can't be killed... you all heard her too, right?"

RWBY were glaring at Ozpin as he kneeled in the snow, still recovering from watching his painful past play out in front of him. Weiss quickly walked away and kneeled down beside Hawk, who was also struggling with the truth they learned. He was gasping in air as he tried to not have a panic attack.

Weiss: "Hawk... I can't imagine what you are going through. But I'm here for you."

Hawk just nodded as he squeezed his eyes shut, the image of his past self burned into his memory. Ozpin looked at Hawk with tear filled eyes, then glanced up at the three girls.

Ozpin: "I-"

Yang: "There was so much you hadn't told us! How could you think that was okay?!"

Ozpin simply bowed his head in shame, not giving a response to her question.

Ruby: "Professor..."

Ozpin glanced up to look at Ruby, who was giving him a cold neutral look.

Ruby: "What is your plan to defeat Salem?"

Ozpin: "I... don't have one..."

Hawk pushed himself back to his feet, nodding to Weiss before he walked towards Ozpin. He glared down at Ozpin.

Hawk: "I can't believe you... you've lied to me again. You knew everything... Why didn't you say anything?!"

Ozpin: "I was trying to pro-"

Hawk suddenly punched Ozpin in the face, knocking him onto his back. Hawk's eyes changed to orange as he stomped towards him, grabbing him by the collar of the shirt and pulling him off the ground.

Hawk: "STOP! Enough of your lies! You weren't trying to protect me! You were protecting yourself! I deserved to know the truth, and every time you tricked me into thinking it was! You told me our home was attacked, but it was you and Salem who attacked it! You murdered my sisters! You robbed them the chance to grow up and live their lives!"

Weiss: "Hawk..."

Weiss placed her hand on his arm, getting his attention. The two looked at each other for a moment, then Hawk dropped Ozpin to the ground and took a step back with Weiss. Ozpin stood up and tried to reach out to Hawk, but Qrow was the next one to punch him. The blow sent Ozpin off his feet and into a tree trunk. Everyone except Hawk stared at him with surprise as Qrow was struggling to handle all the information he just learned.

Qrow: "No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... Then, I became a father and you agreed to help me... I welcomed you to help raise him because you were his original father... I thought I was finally doing some good..."

Ozpin: "But, you are!"

Qrow: "Meeting you... was the worst luck of my life..."

Ozpin stared at Qrow in disbelief, then looked towards Hawk who refused to look at him. Ozpin slowly looked down.

Ozpin: "Maybe you're right..."

Ozpin glanced back up to Hawk, who gave a cold glare in response. Qrow had placed himself in between Hawk and Ozpin, glaring down at him as he spoke with a dark tone in his voice.

Qrow: "You won't touch my son. Or else..."

Ozpin looked down in sadnesss as his eyes glowed, letting Oscar take back control. Oscar instantly gasped in pain as he held his face, feeling Hawk's and Qrow's punches. Everyone looked at him confused as Ruby walked over to him.

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