Volume 9 Trailer

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Hey everyone! With the long wait until Volume 9 going painfully slow, I became inspired to write my own trailer for what you might expect Volume 9 comes out! Hope you like what you see.

Until next time,



Ruby gasped shooting upwards, looking around in confusion at the strange environment. She rose to her feet and started walking across the beach that she landed in, taking in everything around her. A good word to describe her surroundings would be... magical. The hexegonal pattern in the sand that she walk on seemed to shimmer in the sunlight, the perfectly clean water that washed away her footprints, and the mysterious jungle in front of her with a gigantic tree in the distance.

Ruby: "Where is everyone? Where is... here?"

Those were Ruby's thoughts, before she remembered the what happened back in Amrbosius' pocket dimension. She remembered how Blake had rescued her when Cinder knocked herself and Neo off the platform. Then she heard Hawk and Weiss scream when Blake's ribbon had been burnt.

Ruby was then surrounded by multiple glowing orbs of energy. The orbs seemed to float gently around her, until she saw two orbs coming towards her. One glowed brown, while the other glowed a bright green. The brown orb stopped in front of her, and Ruby had touched it without thinking. The orb glowed brightly upon contact, as if it was reacting to Ruby's presence.

But then Neo suddenly attacked, tackling Ruby in their free fall. As the two fought, Neo was continuously shifting forms in her hysteria fuelled rage. She attempted to strangle Ruby, as she turned into Yang, then Blake, then Oscar, and finally Hawk. But Ruby had been able to kick her away, causing Neo to return to her original form, before the two were swallowed up by light. Then, Ruby woke up on this strange island.

Ruby: "Blake?! Yang?! Can anyone here me?!"

But there was no reply, nothing but some strange noises that came from the jungle. Ruby instinctively reached behind her back to grab her scythe, only to remember that she had dropped it during her battle with Neopolitan. Letting out a frustrated sigh, she began walking towards the forest.


Elsewhere, on that very same island, Hawk's siblings were attempting to formulate a plan. None of them knew where they were, or how they came to be there. But they knew for certain, that they weren't alone.

Winter: "Girls, while I hate to say this. I think our best bet is to break into pairs and search."

Spring: "Split up?! Winter that's too risky!"

Summer: "But she has a point, Spring. We have a connection, so we will be able to find each other again if needed. Splitting into pairs will cut the search in half, while not having to be alone."

Spring's lips tightened in worry, as she began to absentmindedly draw her finger through the sand. Her eyes began to sting with tears as she realized she drew Hawk's symbol.

Spring: "Big brother..."

Autumn pulled her younger sister into a hug, rubbing small circles on Spring's back as Spring struggled to not cry. Summer and Winter exchanged pained expressions.

Shortly after finding Hawk's katana, the four tried to return to Hawk, which should have been possible if he was in this strange world. But when it didn't work, their fear for their brother only increased. If Hawk's weapon was here, but he wasn't, then where was he? And a bigger question, is how did they get here without him?

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