Chapter 53: Argus Limited

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The past two weeks flew by faster than anyone could have thought. The teams were finally leaving Mistral to head to Argus in hopes of getting to Atlas. The train station was packed full of people, everyone going about their business while heading to multiple destinations. Most of the team were sitting in chairs waiting for their train to depart, while Qrow was sending a letter to Ironwood. Qrow looked at the letter, reading it to himself before he sent it.

Qrow: "It's been two weeks since the attack on Haven. The official report states that the plot to destroy Mistral's CCT Tower was thwarted by Ghira Belladonna and the Faunus militia group from Menagerie. A Huntsman and some students coincidentally visiting the headmaster were also able to lend some assistance. Unfortunately, Leonardo Lionheart lost his life while trying to defend his school. And those responsible for organizing the attack managed to escape. As I'm sure you can guess, there's a lot more to this report than I'm willing to say in this letter. But for now, what I'm trying to say is that we're on our way to Atlas, James. There's a good chance we'll get there before this letter does, but in case we don't, I need you to know that we're bringing a lot more than bad news with us. See you soon, Qrow."

Qrow dropped the letter into the mailbox, taking a step back from it. Then, Ruby bumped into him as she rushed by.

Qrow: "Hey, what's with the running?"

Ruby: "And what's with the standing? It's almost time!"

Ruby grins as she uses her semblance to fly through the massive crowds of people to get inside a small souvenir store, then rush out and through the gate that led to the loading area. Ruby was giving a big grin as she walked over to the team, humming cheerfully to herself.

Yang: "And?"

Ruby squeals and shows them the bag she got. Weiss rolled her eyes at Ruby's excitement.

Weiss: "What an absolute waste of time-"

Yang: "What did you get me?"

Ruby giggled as she responded with a little singsong to tease her sister.

Ruby: "You'll have to wait and see!"

Yang: "No fair!"

Ruby smirked and stuck her tongue out, then quickly dodged out of the way as Yang tried to snatch the bag. Nora jumped in between the two, hardly able to contain her excitement.

Nora: "Oh, I can't believe we're taking the train to Argus! The beautiful northern coastline... You really think it's too early for beach season?"

Ren raised an eyebrow as Nora began to fantasize going to the beach with him.

Ren: "Unfortunately, but we will be one step closer to Atlas."

Weiss let out a huff as she held her luggage bag on her lap.

Weiss: "Well, I'm glad you're all excited. But I don't think you appreciate the trouble I went through to leave Atlas."

Ruby walked over and gave a confident smile.

Ruby: "I know you're worried, Weiss, but trust us. Team RWBY and Hawk won't leave your side for a second! I promise."

Weiss gave a small smile, finding some comfort in Ruby's words. Then she glanced to the second level of the station where all the shops were, wondering what Hawk was doing that was taking him so long.

Dee: "No one's gotta be worried with us around."

The group looked over to see two huntsmen stroll cockily towards them, flexing off their weapons as they did with overconfident looks.

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