Chapter 60: Lost

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Weiss was pacing back and forth with worry. Oscar had suddenly vanished after Jaune snapped at him. Everyone was coming up with a plan while Jaune sat there looking horribly guilty. Saphron has arrived home and was given the short explanation of Oscar's disappearance. Weiss looked down at her scroll, reading silently the messages she was sending to Hawk.

Weiss: "We still can't get ahold of Oscar or your dad. We are about to leave to search. Where are you?"

Hawk: "I'm helping a friend through a tough moment. It will be easier to explain when I get back. Dad hasn't answered me either... I'll keep an eye out for Oscar and let you know if I find anything. Good luck Snowflake. Love you."

Weiss: "Love you too Snowbird."

Ruby: "Weiss, anything?"

Weiss tucked away her scroll and shook her head slightly.

Weiss: "Hawk hasn't heard anything from Qrow or Oscar. We should start searching now before it gets any darker."

The group nodded and left the house, RWBY and Maria going one direction while JNR and Saphron left in the opposite direction to start searching around the city.

Hawk was walking beside Mrs. Nikos as they came from a small flower shop, both buying a bouquet of roses. Hawk stared at the bouquet with a sad smile as he started remembering fond memories of Pyrrha.

Mrs. Nikos: "Hawk."

Hawk was brought out of his thoughts as Mrs. Nikos gave a smile.

Mrs. Nikos: "I just wanted to thank you for joining me tonight. It's been... difficult as of late."

Hawk: "I just wish I could do more. I should have stopped her..."

Hawk felt her hand grab his shoulder, stopping him to turn him around.

Mrs. Nikos: "Please don't do that to yourself. Pyrrha would hate to see you keep blaming yourself like this. I can't thank you enough for being her best friend. She would always bring you up whenever she wished people would treat her like a human being rather than a celebrity."

Hawk: "Pyrrha always did hate the fame."

The two sighed sadly and resumed walking towards the park that was their destination. As they walked, Hawk kept his eyes out for Oscar and Qrow.

Jaune: "Oscar!"

Nora: "Oscar?"

Ren: "This city's enormous, he could've gone anywhere."

Jaune let out a miserable groan as he rubbed his forehead.

Jaune: "This is all my fault... I overreacted."

Saphron: "I still don't really understand what happened. Was it about the mission?"

The three exchanged a glance, knowing that they shouldn't talk to much about what had happened. They didn't want to pull anyone into the fight that if they could avoid it.

Nora: "It's... kind of hard to talk about."

Saphron: "I know, I know, "top secret". Did he... do something wrong?"

Jaune: "No... he didn't. We just got some new information and... it's going to be a lot harder than we thought."

Saphron: "I mean, if it was easy, then it wouldn't be important. Right?"

Ren: "I think we're all just a bit unsure of what to do next."

Saphron stopped walking, giving a hopeful look to Jaune as he turned to look back at her.

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