Chapter 23: No Brakes

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Hawk, Blake, Yang, Weiss, Oobleck, and Zwei had entered the giant hole in the floor and were searching for Ruby. They ran through the tunnel, heading hopefully to where Ruby might be. Hawk felt guilty about Ruby's disappearance, since he was on watch at the time.

As they moved, they rounded the bend and encountered White Fang members, who were guarding an opened entrance that led into a train station.

Fang grunt: "We got company!"

Yang growled as she fired her gauntlet, shooting an explosive round at the group. The round smashed into the ground and sent grunts flying backwards from the explosion.

Yang: "Where's my sister?!"

As Yang fired off another explosive round, the others began shooting their weapons at the fleeing Fang members.

Oobleck: "Keep pushing! Ruby must be close."

With a boost of motivation, they pushed through the resistance from the Fang. Hawk sprinted forward, going after the closest Fang grunt. He snarled, baring sharpened teeth as he tried to shoot Hawk.

Hawk raised his blade, deflecting bullets until he was right in front of the grunt. Hawk smacked the hilt of his sword into the grunt's stomach, then brought his knee up and kneed the grunt in the face.

As he fell backwards, Hawk had moved forward and rounded the corner that Fang members were running to. Hawk saw more White Fang, as well as Torchwick. And behind Torchwick was Ruby.

Hawk: "Ruby!!"

The others had caught up to Hawk, rounding the corner and standing beside him. Ruby grinned and jumped up on Roman's shoulders, pulling his hat down over his eyes and making a run towards them.

Roman quickly readjusted his hat, and turned towards the Fang members beside him.

Roman: "Somebody kill her!"

The Fang and Roman started shooting at Ruby, forcing her to dodge and weave between the bullets. More guns began to shoot at her, and Hawk ran and grabbed Ruby. He pulled her to the ground and used his semblance to create an ice barrier around the two, shielding them from the bullets.

Hawk: "What would you do without me?"

Ruby: "Hopefully I'll never find out. How'd you find me?"

Hawk: "Zwei is very smart."

Ruby smiled as the sounds of explosions went off, and the sounds of bullets stopped. Hawk pressed his hand on the barrier, forming a door for the two to leave. Yang grinned and ran over, and the sisters met mid-way in a hug.

Yang: "Ruby!"

The group met with the sisters.

Weiss: "Are you ok?"

Ruby: "I'm fine, I'm fine! But listen! Torchwick's got all kinds of weapons and robots down there."

Blake: "What?!"

Blake quickly hands Ruby her weapon.

Ruby: "Androids, mechs, they're all loaded up on the train cars!"

Oobleck: "Ahhhh, that's ridiculous. These tunnels are sealed, the tracks lead to a dead-end."

Suddenly they heard Roman's voice through a speaker system.

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