Chapter 54: Uncovered

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To say that things didn't go as planned would be a big understatement, that is how the team was feeling at this moment. Qrow had asked everyone to scour through the wreckage for anything that can help them for the long journey they would have to take. Oscar was keeping an eye on the elderly woman who had snuck on the back half of the train.

Hawk sighed as he opened up some cases, finding shattered dust crystals inside them. He picked up what he thought was a crystal that survived the crash, but it broke apart in his hand. Hawk stood up and dusted off his hand, then remembering he should check on the ring. Taking a moment to make sure Weiss wasn't nearby, he reached into his armour and found the ring case was still safely tucked away.

Ruby: "What are you doing Hawk?"

Hawk: "Gahh!"

Hawk jumped in place as Ruby stood there with a confused look.

Ruby: "Are you ok? Why were you reaching underneath your armour-"

Hawk: "Shh! Come here!"

Hawk grabbed Ruby by the arm and dragged her away from the others, coming to a stop beside one of the tipped over cabooses.

Ruby: "Hawk! What's wrong?"

Hawk nervously pulled out the ring case, showing it to Ruby. Ruby took it and opened it up, gasping in surprise before having a big smile on her face.

Ruby: "You're going to... with Weiss... Hawk! That's wonderful!!"

Hawk smiled and took the ring back, placing it back into his pocket.

Hawk: "Please keep it to yourself. I want to find the best time to ask and now definitely isn't it."

Ruby kept her big smile as she placed a hand to her chest and raised her right hand.

Ruby: "I swear! But I'm just so happy for you!"

Hawk rolled his eyes and ruffled her hair, getting a small squeak in response as she swatted his hand away.

Hawk: "Thanks Ruby, now lets... is that what I think it is?"

Hawk pointed over behind Ruby, where the Relic of Knowledge was half buried in the snow. Ruby quickly ran over and picked it up, checking it over to make sure it wasn't damaged.

Ruby: "Guess we should take this back to Ozpin."

Hawk nodded a bit and they walked back to the others in time to watch Yang struggle to pull her bike out of the snow while venting her frustration.

Yang: "Great! This is just great! We're stranded, we lost a third of our party, and we've gained a defenseless old lady!"

Yang gave one final heave, pulling her bike out from the snow. But Yang lost her balance and fell backwards, which her bike ended up following after her.

Hawk: "Hang on Yang. I'll help."

Hawk walked over and helped pull Yang up from the snow, and then the two lifted her bike up and moved it to a more stable area where the stand could keep it standing up. The elder woman growled about what Yang had said and waved off Oscar from helping her walk.

Maria: "My name is Maria Calavera, and I am not defenseless! I'm just a little hard of hearing. And blind without my eyes, that are in desperate need of repair."

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