Chapter 34: Last Day At College.

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*Last Day At College*


Today last day of college. Finally! Finally college over. I was waiting for this day. After today I won't be able to see his face. It hurt to see the person in front of your eyes who ruin your life. Who ruin your dreams, who reject your love. Its really hurt.
That's the reason I asked Dad to take over Mr. Asif projects. He didn't ask any question before accepting my request. He already start working back in office and its 1 weeks to take over his projects. Sometimes he got problems in breathing properly. Doctors says he is still weak and he needs to recover, its difficult for him because of his age. He is 43.
Me, Waniya, Maryam decided to enjoy this day. We were going to movie than shopping than my place to sleep over. Its Maryam first time when she came my home and for to sleep over, while Waniya stay at my home many times.
Right now we were sitting in cafeteria. Everyone enjoying, doing fun, dancing, singing. I scanned in the crowd to only find a pair of hazel eye to stare into. I wanted to see those eyes last time, his face last time.
"Who are you two looking for?" Waniya snapped me out of my thoughts. I quickly turned my face to her and frowned when she looked between me and Maryam.
"Huh? I-i was j-just... N-nothing" Maryam stammered badly. Me and Waniya burst into laughter. We didn't accept Maryam to stammered like this.
"Why are you two laughing at me?" She asked annoyed. We shook our head still giggling.
"Its just... You're funny when you stuttered." Waniya said once she sober up.
"Okay. Now tell Maryam what are you hiding from us?" I asked seriously. Her eyes gone wide.
"N-nothing. W-what I h-hide from y-you guys?" She stuttered again and looked away.
"Now seriously Maryam. Why you lie when you know you weren't good at it?" Waniya asked her. She narrowed her eyes.
"Who are you looking for?" I asked. She open her mouth to say something but cut it off by laughter coming from cafeteria entrance. We snapped our head to looked there. My heart skip a beat when I saw his face. He was staring me back, his smile slowly faded. He was wearing a pair of dark jeans, and blue sweater with white underneath. His arms around Shehry shoulder who is laughing at something. I looked away when he didn't looked away.
"Oh hoo" Waniya said and whistle. I looked at her but she was looking at Maryam. She is blushing. I frowned why she's blushing?
"Misha, you wanna know why Maryam stammered so badly?" Waniya asked. Tease flash in her voice.
"Why?" I asked smirking at Maryam. I hope what I am thinking is right.
"Our friend Maryam fallen for Shehry" Waniya said smiling mischievously. I grinned ear to ear. She start blushing. Her cheeks turned into red shade.
"I knew it." I said smiling looking at Maryam. She quickly looked up at me. I smirked at her.
"How?" She asked confused.
"I knew it by the way you looked at Shehry all the time. You know he also like you. You remember Waniya's Mehndi?" They nodded. "Well that day, Shehry was looking at you after every five minutes." I explained them. Waniya start whistling again, I start laughing at Maryam blushing. She is really shy.
After teasing Maryam, we went for movie. We watch boring action movie because Waniya want to do something different today. To be honest I wasn't a fan of action movie so I found it boring. After movie we went for shopping. We didn't buy things for us. We bought things for each other. I do shopping for Maryam, Maryam do for Waniya and Waniya do shopping for me. We buy many thing but we managed to keep all things in our budget. We know we were rich but we still have to tell our parents about our pocket money.
At last we arrived at my house. We eat dinner and spend some time in game room playing video games, watching some more movie but not action. We talk about our memories in college. We were enjoying but then Maryam asked something for which I wasn't ready to tell her.
She asked about me and Rayyan. Waniya tell her everything from start to end. I already tell Waniya what happen between me and his brother cousin, she was shocked but she didn't believe what I told her. She says she will talk to Rayyan about it but I quickly said no. I don't want him to make some new excuse to protect himself.
I know if anyone asked him about this he again lie and I don't him to do it again. How many times he gonna lie? When he stop lying? If I was with him I try my best to not make him lie again. But I can't, after what happen.
I wish I could go back in past and change everything. I wish I could change him. I wish we were together again. But seeing the situation I don't think we could ever be together again. I still miss him. The night when we fight I don't mean to what I say. I only want him not to lie to me. I only want him to be happy. I keep repeating his words in my mind.
'If you were happy to think I do all this than be happy. I don't want anything else expect your happiness'
What he mean by that? Did he want my happiness? Did he really want to see me happy? Did he took all blame on himself only for me? I wish I could asked him directly but I can't. I can't face him again. I had a difficult time in coming back to normal.
'Once, only for once Rayyan. Come back and say you don't do this all. You want to be with me. You love me. Only once'.


Update Like I said!

So before I say Anything I would Like to share a Link with you all. I hope you visit on it.  "9/11 Why??" is the name of book started few days ago. I want you to read it and tell the Author what you feel about it. This book is based on Muslims. It tells that Muslims are not Terrorist. Please Go and Read it. It is really a nice book. I like it and I hope you all like it to. It is on real life. People must think twice before calling Muslim a Terriorst. Suggest this book to your followers as well, I really Appreciate if you guys do that. I am Dedicating this chapter to Author of "9/11 Why??". 

Beside this I don't want to say anything. I hope you all get my point. We All are Muslims, Not a Terrorist! We are Proud To Be Muslims!

Thank You.


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