Chapter 4: Cricket Match

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*Cricket Match*


"Hey… we're playing cricket.. You guys coming?" Aashir bhai asked, while tossing ball in his hands.

"I am in" Wani said, as she take off her apron. And then turn to see me if I am joining them or not.

"I am not" I said looking at her

"Come on Misha.. Its going to be fun" She said with sad look

"Yeah.. Come on" Aashir bhai said. I shook my head as 'no'.

Then three of them give me their lost puppy face. I couldn’t help but agree.

We were divided teams.  Aashir bhai and Rayyan are captains. Aashir bhai, Waniya and Me are in one team, while Rayyan, Adeel and Zayan in other team. But again my bad luck.

" Aashir bhai I want sis with me please." Zayan said.

"No! Teams are already divided" Waniya said.

"But I want her with me" Zayan yell

"Volume Zayan" I scold him. He make sad face and look down. I sigh."Fine! I am with you" I said walking over to him. He look at me grinning.

I look at Aashir bhai who is staring at Rayyan. Of course he didn't want him to came near me or Wani. He is over protective.

"So teams are final. Me, Zayan and Misha in one team. And Aashir, Waniya and Adeel in other. Any objection?" Rayyan said looking at everyone. We all nodded while Aashir bhai still staring.

"Heads or tails" Aashir bhai asked holding coin

"Tails" Rayyan said smirking at him.

Aashir bhai toss the coin in air and catch in hand, its Heads.

"I am batting" Adeel said taking his position.

"I am balling" Rayyan said taking ball from Aashir bhai.

Then he tell Me and Zay to take our position. I am on Rayyan's left and Zayan is on his right. We fix the wickets in front of wall so there is no need of wicket keeper. Adeel is batting and Aashir bhai is standing on runner position. As we all take our position, then we start the match. Rayyan throw the ball at Adeel, and he hit the ball and the ball go toward boundary. Honestly I am not really interested in cricket, cause its boring.

"Misha Go get the ball" Zayan yelled.

While Adeel and Aashir bhai start to make runs, I ran toward ball, pick it and throw it to Rayyan. While Adeel is away from his pitch, Rayyan aim at wicket and hit it, and its an out. I get back and Rayyan did high five with me and Zayan.  Adeel get back from field by making 2 runs. Its time for Waniya to come and show her batting skills. Well I've to say that she is good in cricket. She comes and stand at runner position.

Then Rayyan throw another ball they get 1 run. The match is going on. They made 21 runs. Which includes 3 fours, 1 six and 3 more runs. Aashir bhai make 10 runs, by hitting 2 fours and 2 more runs and with that he's out on Zayan's ball. While Waniya make 11 runs, by hitting 1 six, 1 four and 1 more run. Its last ball of first innings,

"Now watch, I hit a six" She said grinning, I rolled my eyes.

I throw the ball at Wani, she hit it, and ball goes in air. Rayyan ran seeing the ball, and he catch out. With that first inning is over. And its now our turn to show them. But Zayan got injury in his leg that's why he can't run. Rayyan and me will be taking runs in his behalf.

So the match starts with Rayyan and Zayan. And the target is 22 runs. Zayan is standing on runner position while Rayyan is batting. Aashir bhai throw ball at him and he hit it in air. Aashir bhai and Adeel ran looking at ball to catch it, but they bump into each other and fall, while ball is out of boundary, and its Six…

"Awesome shot Rayyan bhai" Zayan said while grinning. Rayyan smirk and winked at me, I rolled my eyes and look around, Aashir bhai giving Rayyan a death glare.

"Thanks" he said. Ready of next ball.

The match getting interesting. We were 17 on 0. Now its Zayan turn to face the ball, and my turn to run for him.

Wani throw ball at him and he try to hit but the ball hit wicket and its out. Our first wicket is gone. Now its me and Rayyan. I stand on runner position. Cause I really don't want to face Wani balls. She is fast baller.

As other team busy in their setting position, I look around and saw Rayyan. He's smirking at me. I rolled my eyes. He's really annoying me. Back to match. Wani throw ball at him. He winked before playing it. He hit it and ball at other side while I ran for run. And now its 18 on 1. I play my first ball. It goes well we make 2 runs on it. Rayyan turns his bat and again hit the ball. And we start running. We made single run. When they didn't catch the ball.

"Run!" Rayyan Shout. He run, while watching them. And I also run, almost 3 feet away from white line, my leg twist and I fall, its really hurt.

"Get up Misha" Zayan and Rayyan both yell. I shut my eyes tightly. After few seconds, I open my eyes and see Adeel throwing ball toward Aashir bhai who was on balling position. I try and get up and drag my leg and complete my run before ball hit wicket. I made it, I complete my run. I fell on grass, I was sweating and look up around. Everything was spinning. I felt dizzy, I try not to close my eyes but my eyes felt heavier, I heard voices, and every thing was blur and then blackout.


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