Chapter 38: I need You Mom.

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*I Need You Mom*


It has been 2 day since I got that proposal. I am still not sure on my answer. Everytime when Dad and Zayan try to ask my answer I quickly change the topic. I am still confused on what I had decided.

If I agree with it then what will I get? A marriage without husband love, his care. He only try to hurt me and will be happy to see me in pain. If I don't expect this proposal then Dad, Mr. Asif and everyone hopes broken and I don't want to do that. I don't want to hurt anyone or not to be the reason of their sadness.

Suddenly my phone starts buzzing. I frown in confusion when I saw unknown caller id. Last time I pick up Unknown number and was given threat by using my past. I cut it off and put my phone down.

After a minute, my mobile buzz again and with same number. I panicked who is this? Should I pick it up? I press answer button and with my shaking hands press it on my ear.

"H-hello?" I stuttered. I don't know who is on other line. I was so scared but soon when I heard a soft voice on other line I quickly relief.

"Misha? It's me Salma Asif." She spoke softly more than like motherly. Her voice match with my mother. Oh she is his mother... Wait! She is his mother and she called me? Why? But how she get my number?

"Um... Assalam-o-Alaikum Aunty." I gave my Salam.

"Walaikum Assalam... Misha I want to ask you if you are free so can we meet?" She asked.

"Um..."What should I say? Why she want to meet me?

"Actually I want to talk about something" she said after few minutes of silence. I swallowed a big lump in my throats. About something? Did she mean by...?

"S-sure Aunty... Where you want to meet?" I asked.

"Can I come to your office in evening? I mean if you're not busy?" She asked.

"Okay Aunty. I will meet you in evening." We said our goodbyes and hung up.

Today is Saturday. No work load, few appointments, no visiting place. All I have to do is to sit in my office and check files and give reports to Dad. I get ready for office. Only me, my Assistant and few workers who are on high position in our company have to come on Saturdays. Today office opens after 11.

I walk downstairs to Dad room to tell him I am going to be late coming from office because I have to make an important presentation for Monday meeting. I was about to knock on his door when I heard him saying something. I quietly open his door slowly. I was thanking that it didn't make any noise.

I saw Dad in corner of room where he put all Mom belongings after her death. His back toward me and he held Mom and my picture when we were at my last birthday party with her. Then I heard a sob. I was surprised. Is he crying? My heart clenched only of thinking Dad crying.

"Farah I know you're not happy with my decision but I do it only for our daughter sake. I am sure she will be happy with him. I can see in her eyes how much she loves him. But I don't know why she's hiding this from us. Yesterday I send Zay to her room and ask her about it but he came with sad face. She didn't tell anything to him.

I still don't get it why suddenly she get changed? Her way of talking? Her dressing? Her quietness? I want to know but I also know that she didn't tell me and not give me no more tension. I can't see her like this Farah. When you're gone she is the one who take all of us together. She was also broken that time but she didn't show it because you take promise from her. When I was in coma Zayan tell me how she took care of him and not to slip him in Haram way.

I want best for our daughter I want to give her some time for herself. She also had a life which she had to enjoy. I want her to marry Rayyan. He will make her happy. I also saw love for her in his eyes. He also loves her." That's it, I couldn't take it anymore. I quickly ran out of his room and walk out of house. Tears start coming from my eyes.

I quickly get into my car and drove off away from there. I don't know where to go. But all I know is that I want to get away from here. Today I need her most. I need my strength. She is my power, strength, the person who makes me strong. I need her here with me now but she is high up in the sky watching me what I am doing.

Suddenly I hit the break causing to loud sound came from tires. I park my car to side and step out. I was standing in front of two big metal gates. I came here every year on her death anniversary. I walk through metal gates and kept on walking on side. I slow down when I saw familiar grave. Her grave. She is right there.

I sat on grass side of the grave. I looked at the stone where Mom name written with her birth day and death day. Tears filled in my eyes when I remember how she leaves us.

"Assalam-o-Alaikum Mom... How are you there? Don't worry about us we all are fine here. I came here for something to ask Mom. I know you can't answer my questions but at least you can give me hints like everytime you give me" I paused and took deep breath.

"Mom you already know what's going on here. Dad wants me to marry him. You know everything that happen between us. You were the one that time who put myself together, who gave me strength, you are the one who me make strong and because of you I am here now. Mom please tell me what should I do? Did I say no or yes?

Today when I was outside of Dad room I heard him talking with your picture. He says he don't want to see me like this. He believes I will be happy with him but honestly I don't think like that. He thought Rayyan loves me but I know this is not the truth. He never love me. He only hates me. He only with me to make me fool again.

His Mom and Dad were the great peoples. They never let me feel like they were strangers. His Mom is just like you. She fed me food on reunion at Waniya. That time I saw you in her. Maybe it is good for me. Please help me Mom, help me finding my answer. Please give me any hint to say Yes or No for this marriage. I need you Mom. I really need you Mom" Tears start rolling down to my cheeks. I don't know how long I stayed there. The only thing I know is that I fallen asleep on grass my head on the edge of grave. Last thing I saw before fallen asleep is the dark sky.


This Chapter is dedicated for two special readers who comment on last chapter and tell me about What they think about this story. Thank you 'rimabegum989' & 'lovetobewhoiam' for your sweet comments.

Please ignore grammatical mistakes. Next Update maybe on Sunday or Next week.

Misha Picture is Above.

Please do Votes, Comments & Share.


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