Chapter 55: Zayan's Birthday.

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*Zayan's Birthday*



A week later.

Mom and Uncle are coming tomorrow and we will go to pick them up. After two weeks we saw them. They call us regularly to check is everything okay but Rayyan told them not to call us and enjoy their vacations, if something wrong we will call them. After that they barely call us and thank us a million times. In these two weeks Rayyan and me are getting close and sometimes he gives me surprises. We spend a lot time together. If we were in office, we message each other and it makes me so happy that he changed.

Right now, I am getting ready for Zayan's birthday. He turned 19 today. I am happy for him. We bought a gift for him and I knew he like it because he was wanted it from a long time. I wore a light blue dress. It was simple but perfect. It was small function at my house. Zayan invite all of us, Ahmed Uncle family and some of his friends.

I went down in living room to see Rayyan doing something on his phone. He didn't look up at me instead stood up and walk at door. I feel sad when he didn't look at me for a second. We walked up to his car and left. Fatima already gone with her friend to function. He started the car and drove off. I rested my head on window, we didn't say anything but sitting in silence.

"Misha you okay?" I heard his voice. I looked at him but his eyes still on road. I was getting mad right now.

"I am fine!" I snapped but regret when I saw a hurt flash on his face. He nodded and continue to driving. After 15 minutes we were in front of my house.

I was about to get out when he grab my arm to stop me. I looked at him and my heart clenched when I saw pain in his eyes. He leaned closer and kissed my head.

"What happen to you?" He asked softly. I shake my head as nothing happen. I feel bad for doing that. I didn't mean to hurt him.

"I am tired" I lied. He looked at me for few minutes before saying something.

"Don't lie to me. Tell me what happen?" He demanded and locked the car as I tried to open it. "Tell me"

"I was mad at you because you didn't even notice me and told me how I look like all time" I told him looking at his eyes. He always tell me how I look but not today. Everytime I was eagerly waiting for his comment but today he didn't that's what make me mad. His eyes roamed my head to my toes but didn't say anything.

"I am sorry Rayyan. I was expecting too much." I said looking away and blink my eyes to get rid of water in my eyes.

"Misha you looking beautiful like all time but it is not important to tell everytime. If I do then it will make your beauty less and I don't want that. You always look good to me no matter what you are wearing or you have makeup or not. I like you simple and decent." He said softly and give me a light peck. I closed my eyes and sigh as a small blush appears on my cheeks. I open them again and saw him smiling brightly at me.

We went inside of house as maid open door for us. We walk in backyard where all voices are coming. Dad and some of his business friends sitting in corner talking. Zayan and all his friends on other corner playing some weird games and ladies were sitting at table. We walk up to Dad and greet him. He give us his blessing and told us to meet Zayan.

"Zayan Freeze" I shouted from behind and make him freeze. He stop on his place. I smirked and circled him few times before saying move. I always do this with him.

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