Chapter 63: Panic Attack.

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*Panic Attack*



"Where are the designs of coffee shop?" I asked Fatima looking for designs.

"They are there" she pointing file next to my laptop. I just look here but it wasn't there before. I am getting crazy.

It has been almost two weeks. Almost. I am getting these threats but still my trackers didn't find a single thing about it. They get nothing about it. They said these are coming from internet and the person who is sending everytime use different number or different location. It is very difficult to find where that person is.

Tomorrow is Award ceremony and it is scaring me the most. The person message me yesterday that tomorrow will be the last day of that person. I don't know who it will be? Dad?Zayan? Rayyan? Or Rayyan family? I am trying my best not to show any sign of my worries for them.

Rayyan tried to asked what happened to me but I didn't tell anything. He knew about messages but didn't know what was in those messages. I told him I will handle it but I am not. He also tried to take my fingerprint to unlock my phone but everytime I caught him. One night when he think I am sleeping he take my phone and try to take my print on it but I wasn't sleeping so I snatch it and told him to stay out of it. I know I act rudely but I can't let him in this. If he knows he told me to stop everything and lock me in room. From that time I put my phone under my pillow before sleeping.

"Ma'am. Mr.Asif is here" Fatima voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I told her to send him in. After a minute I heard door open and close but didn't look up and keep working on my laptop.

"Misha lunch is here" He said setting food on table with couches.

"Okay. Give me a minute" I said and type an email before sending it. We eat lunch in comfortable silence. Since Rayyan know about messages he come at my office for lunch. Sometimes he take me out and sometimes we eat in here my office. I know why he is doing this all. He think doing this melt me and tell him everything but I am not telling him anything.

Tomorrow is Award ceremony and there is pressure on me. Last year was not pressuring but this time it is. This time Dad will be there with me. That is why I am trying my best to do on my speech. Two times when I get award I give short speech but this time I have to make it better to make my Dad proud on me and my in-laws also will be there. And not to forget I am still looking for answers. Answers  of many questions I have to ask Hashim Uncle and Aaliyan.

"How are you feeling for tomorrow?" Rayyan asked sitting next to me. I sigh and laid my head on his shoulders.

"I don't know what I am feeling." I told him honestly.

"You know your Dad and everyone will be there" He said quietly. I can tell he is nervous more than me because it was his first time in some Award function. I never saw him attending award function but his Dad and Mom do.

"Yeah. I know. You also will be there" I said and smirk when I saw him swallowing loudly.

"Yeah. I will be there with my beautiful wife who go to take award on stage" He said causing me to smile softly and blush. After lunch he went back to his office to work and I get back to work. An hour later I have to go home to pick Mom. She wants me to go with her shopping to buy a dress for tomorrow. I honestly don't want it but I can't hurt her feelings by saying no. She was excited for shopping.Fatima couldn't come with us because she had to assist Zayan for his project meeting.

I park my car outside of some shops. Mom tell me she know a perfect place for my dress. We went inside and look for a perfect dress. I look for a dress but nothing of my type. Suddenly Mom came behind me making me surprised on what she has selected.

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