Chapter 6: There's something between you two?

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*There's something between you two?*



Everyone leave expect Waniya. She's saying something but I couldn't focus because of Rayyan. Why he's staring me like that?

"Are you listing?" She said waving her hand in front of me.

"Sorry what are you saying?" I ask looking at her. She sigh

"I think you need some rest." She said

"No. I'm fine. Tell me what are you saying?" I ask.

"You know this all happen because of that arrogant Rayyan" she said with cold expression.

"No! What made you think like, this is all because of him?" I ask looking at her.

"Cause he force you to take that run" she said

"No! He didn't force" I said. Why she think he force me? He didn't force me.

"So you're taking his side?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"It is not like that. Its just......" I stop, wave my hand in air. I try to change the topic.

"Who bring me here?" I ask, changing the topic.

"Rayyan. He carry you in his arms" all she said with anger.

"What?" I ask shocked. He touch me? Who the hell he think he should carry me or touch me? Anger start boiling in me.

"What are you thinking?" She asked

"Who let him to touch me. Zayan didn't stop him?" I ask with little bit anger

"I said to him to bring you here. Cause Aashir bhai goes to call doctor and Adeel is helping Zayan in walking. That's why I don't have another choice" she said.

"Oh. Okay" I said.

The door open, Salma aunty came in with tray. She make her way to me and sat down in front of me with tray. She start feeding me.

"Aunty you don't have to worry I can eat by myself" I said, try to take tray for her but she didn't listen to me.

Instead of asking Waniya that she wants to talk me alone. She nodded and leave.

"How's you feeling?" She ask while giving me another spoon of rice to chew.

"Good" I said, looking at her and try to read her face expression but I couldn't understand. It was mix with emotions.

"I wanted to ask you something" she said looking down.

"Ok" all I say and waiting her to continue.

"Please don't get me wrong, but I have to ask you that is there's something between you two?" She asked. What she mean by 'you two'. She is talking about me. Who's this second person? Maybe Waniya? No, Farzana aunty tell her about my and Waniya's friendship. But then who..... Oh My God. Maybe.... Maybe Rayyan. Shit.....

"Sorry but I don't understand what you mean by 'you two'? I ask try to avoid eye contact.

"About You and Rayyan. I know, you know each other from college. Beside what happened to you, make him worried. I never saw him like this. He never care about anyone like this. He just brought you here, and when doctor ask about you eat something, he quickly said you haven't eaten anything. Then when you wake up, he is the one who rush to see you. And lastly he keep staring at you when we were talking to you" she said looking at my eyes. My eyes gone wide. I am shocked on what I have listen. He did all this? What he's trying to show?

"Um... I don't know anything about it. But aunty trust me, there's nothing between us, I don't know why he's acting like this." I said looking down and try to assure her.

"I trust you. Its just.. I am surprised that he actually care about someone for real." She said and start feeding me again.

"I don't know. I am sorry on his behalf" I said.

"No no. It is not like I want you to sorry. I'm happy that he care about you. You are really nice girl. You really need someone to care about you." she said tapping my head and she finish feeding me and get up to leave. I also get up and hug her. And slightly tear comes down to my cheeks.

"Thank you so much aunty. After a long time I feel like my own mother is feeding me." I said once I pull her away from her. She wipe my tears.

"I am glad that I made you feel like that. Next time if you need anything or if you need to talk about anything, feel free to call me. I am there for you. And I am also like your mother." She said with soft voice. I nodded.

"I think I should leave now. We better go home its getting late. Allah Hafiz" she said, bidding her goodbye and leaves with last smile.

Waniya walk back in room and sat on bed in front of me, giving me that look-tell-me-what-she-is-saying.

"What?" I ask raising an eye brow.

"What she's saying?" She inquired like cops. Sometimes I hate her for that.

"Nothing. She just wanted to know about Mom and Dad." I lied, looking stare in her eyes, so she could see I'm lying.

"Sure? Is there is anything you want to discuss?" She said in suspicious way.

"No. I feel sleepy." I said yawning.

"Yeah. We should sleep now. I have to talk Mom and Dad about marriage proposal." She said. And little grin escape on her lips.

"Yup. Turn off the light and sleep" I said. Making my self comfortable for sleep. She then turn off the light and lied on other side and sleep.

I couldn't sleep. Salma Aunty's words keep going in my mind. He care about me? Why on the Earth he care about me? he like me? No! Misha he doesn't like you, he like only hot girls, who always roaming around him, beside he is playboy who only love to play with girls feeling. Do you think he have feelings for you? But I can't change the fact. What should I do? I mean he help me. Do I say thank you or just ignore him? 'Misha don't be rude to him, just say thanks to him for what he had done.' My heart say. 'No Misha don't be an idiot. Why should you thank him? It isn't big deal. You just ignore him, do what you're doing from last 3 years.' My mind say. I mentally groaned at myself. I pushed my thought away and slowly I fall asleep.

Unexpected Love (A Muslim LoveStory). Book 1. [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now