Chapter 23: Georgia (Part One).

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Sorry for late update, but now here it is so enjoy! :)

Misha picture ----->


Day 1.

'Sis please don't go I miss you" Zay cried 100 times. I rolled my eyes at him. I knew he is going to miss me because we never leave each other before.

"Zay, it's only for 5 days and I'll be back." I said taking my bag to car. He was following me everywhere I go. On other hand Dad plays cool. He only tell me, 'he want me to go out and engage with people and know how to work out of city'. He is sending his bodyguard Imran Bhai with me. He is one of the best bodyguards of Dad. He works with us from 5 years.

"But you didn't go away from me before. Plus it's not only 5 days. Its whole 5 DAYS" he emphasize 5 DAYS.

"Zayan Why are you behaving like a child? Grow up she's going for work not on vacations." Dad scold him as he comes to us.

"I am proud of you Misha, you handle all my business very well." he patted my head.

"Thanks Dad" I smile and turn to Zay who was sad and looking down.

"So, when Awards ceremony is held?" Dad asked getting my attention. He is talking about award ceremony of best company 2014.

"Next year in July. Passes will be sending to us 1 month before." I answered his question. He nodded, he was about to say something when I got a message from Rayyan.

'We are running late. Come fast


Why he always in hurry? I look at time... Shit... I was late.

'On my way


I reply and put it back in my bag. I hug everyone, say my goodbyes and leave with Imran Bhai. When we reach airport I saw Rayyan and some other workers waiting for us.

"Sorry for making you all wait". I apologize to them as I approach to them. They give me its-okay look and we walk to check in.

We reach Georgia in 2 hours. All flight we were talking about designs. He wants to make some changes in it but first we have to look at site area. We were walking to exit point of airport when we heard someone calling.

"Rayyan!" a familiar voice call him from behind us. We turn around and saw her. Why she can't stay away from us?

"Soha?" I heard Rayyan whisper. She come to us and threw herself at him for hug. I look away and turn to look everyone, they were already gone expect Imran Bhai. He stayed behind me. What she is doing? She didn't have any manners. She is such a shameless girl. She was wearing tight blue jeans with tight white T-shirt.

"Rayyan we were waiting for you outside." I try to break her from him. She quickly pulled away and finally notice me.

"Hey Misha, how are you?" she faked smile. I give her a tight smile.

"Aasalam-o-Alaikum, I am good. How you're doing?" she smirk and looked at Rayyan, who was frozen.

''I'm absolutely fine now." she answer looking at him. I clench my fist. How could she-

"It was nice meeting to you Soha. I don't want to be rude but we have to go now." he interrupted. She fake pout.

"Okay, but before going can you give me your number. I will call you later and could go out together?" she give him filtery smile. That is too much. He was about to say something but I step in.

Unexpected Love (A Muslim LoveStory). Book 1. [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now