Chapter 5: It's All My Mistake

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*It's All My Mistake*



I ran toward Misha as she fall and became unconscious. We all try to wake up but nothing happened. She was sweating and freezing. Adeel help Zayan to stand up, and walk toward us.

"I'm going to call Doctor and tell everything to Mom and Dad" Aashir said and leave.

"Rayyan take her to my room, I bring water for her. Okay" Waniya said and walk inside.

I carry her in my arm and walk inside. Adeel and Zayan follow me behind. I lay her on Waniya's bed, and pull the bed cover over her. Waniya came in, and place water on table near her bed. Then she loose her hijab to dry her face from sweating, and try to wake her up, but still no response. I really get scared. If something happened to her, I'll never forgive my self.

"This is all your mistake Rayyan" Waniya said looking at Misha. I didn't say anything, because I know its all my mistake. I shouldn't tell her to get up.

"If you don't yell at her to complete that damn run, she isn't here like this. I swear if someth-" Waniya said, but cut it of as everyone come in. I go and stand in corner.

"I already call doctor. She will be here in anytime." Aashir said coming in.

"But how this happen?" Farzana Aunty ask, while holding Misha's hand. Aashir, Wani, Adeel and Zayan glaring at me. No one answer. So I think I should tell them.

"Um.. T-this all because of m-me" I said looking down and feel guilty. Everyone look at me. Then Mom walk over me, but before she say anything, doctor come. Thank god! I am save.

"Salam doctor Sara" Farzana aunty said getting up, so doctor can sit and up Misha.

"Wsalam" she said. She sat on bed and look at Misha. "What happen?"

"We don't know. We're playing cricket suddenly her leg twisted, and she fall then became unconscious" Waniya explain.

She started to check up her heartbeat, and then her beautiful  brown eyes. God.... She's really look beautiful when she sleep. Then doctor give her injection.

"What happened to her? Is she alright?" My Mom asked concerned.

"Yeah. She is weak. Did she eat something?" Doctor asked as she pack her bag.

"No!. She didn't eat anything in dinner" I blurt. Everyone look at me. I don't know what happened to me? Why I am reacting like this?

"I give her injection, soon she'll be awake." She said getting up. "I think I should leave now. Take care" she said before leaving.

"I think we should also leave and give her some rest." Mom said.

"You guys go. I am here with sis" Zayan said and sit on other side of bed, looking at her. Everyone nodded and start to leave. I took last glance of Misha before leaving. We all leave and go in living room. All adult were sitting on couch, while me, Aashir, Waniya and Adeel were standing.

"Rayyan what did you do to Misha?" My Mom ask me angry. I didn't answer. She asked me again. But again I didn't answer. Cause I am only thinking about her. Why she didn't take care of her self? What happened to her, I mean when we were young her always think about herself and don't care about anyone or anything.

"Aunty he didn't say anything because he know its all his mistake. Actually he force Misha to take run when she fall" Waniya said looking at me.

"I didn't forced her" I snapped.

"Oh please you did" she snap back

"I say I didn't" I shout give her angry glare.

"Rayyan please we all see you force her". Aashir said raising his voice. We both glare at each other

"Stop it!" Ahmed uncle yells. We both keep quite but still glaring.

"I don't want to listen anything." Ahmed uncle said looking at us. I broke my glare and look down, because I know its all because of me.

"Ahmed Uncle, Misha is awake" Zayan said from upstairs.

I quickly rush toward her room, everyone is staring me I really don't care about them, I only care about her. I stop at door, I smile and see Misha sitting on bed with close eyes. She looks beautiful. I mentally smack my head and said to myself not to think about her. I took deep breath and get in, she open her eyes and I watch her looking at me. I stand in corner of the room without saying anything. Then everyone came inside one by one. I could feel their angry stare at me, but I really don't damn care about them. But I only keep staring at her.

"How you feeling now?" Farzana aunty ask.

"Alhumduliallah fine aunty. Btw what happened to me?" She asked confused.

"Well its just because of weakness you became unconscious." Aunty said looking concerned.

"Oh" was all she said.

"You should take some rest" Ahmed uncle said to her, she shook her head.

"I think we better go home, Dad is alone and its pretty much late, beside I have an important meeting tomorrow morning" she said. But before she get up Aunty make her sit down.

"You're not going anywhere. You both are staying here tonight." Aunty said more like ordering her.

"But we have t-" she was cut it of by aunty.

"Do what I say. Okay?" Aunty said looking at her with strict expression. She sighed and nodded.

"We were leaving and I bring something to eat you" My Mom said. And everyone start leaving expect Waniya.

God I just hate her. No not Misha, I hate Waniya. I don't know what she think she is? She always think she can do everything. I don't understand how Misha and Waniya became best friends? Waniya is such an arrogant, and rude. While Misha, she is an awesome girl, always soft and polite. She didn't get mad easily. But she's little scared toward her love ones after her Mom's death. God, why I am thinking about her too much? Why I am comparing both of them to each other. I don't like any of them. And why would she like me? I am known as bad boy. I shook my head to push my thoughts away.

I head back downstairs while Mom is gone to fed some food to Misha. I don't know why she taking care of her? She doest even know her. As I step in living room everyone staring at me, and I am tired if their stare. I couldn't help but ask.

"What?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"Why you rush to her room when she woke up?" Dad asked confused. Now here comes questions attack. But I don't know why I ran? I am asking this question to myself too. I don't know how to answer this question. I am sure I don't feel anything for her. And I am not worry about her, am I? I let out a sigh before answering.

"Cause it only happened because of me. And I want to say sorry. That's it" I said, try to sound confident.

"Really Rayyan? I mean first you force her, and then suddenly you wanted to apologize?" Aashir asked coming closer.

"I say earlier that I didn't force her" I said looking into his eyes.

"You did" He raised his voice. Looking in my eyes

Before I could say anything Mom walk in and said we have to leave it's late. I don't wanted to go, but I have to. Because If I stay they all started to ask to questions again, and I am not in mood to answer their any question. So its better If we leave. But before leaving I had a little chat with Zayan and finally ask for his number and gladly he gave it to me. And with that we bid our goodbyes and leave.


Salam Everyone, Please ignore grammatical mistakes. I need your support, and let me know how you like this chapter? I need Vote And Comment...!!

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