Chapter 44: Meeting Special Guest.

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Thank you @VaneezaMohsin for sending this picture. I couldn't dedicate because of some problems

*Meeting Special Guest*


I woke up at time of morning prayer. I didn't shut of my alarm and went bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth and to do wudu. While doing all this, I could hear Alarm buzzing but never shut. I groaned internally. Why he didn't wake up? Didn't he want to pray?

I walk back in room and saw him pressing a pillow on his ears. I smirked. He is awake but not getting up. I walk down in kitchen and bring a cold glass of water in room. If we haven't talk in a long time that doesn't mean I could forget all his weakness. I still know what to do to make him up. I slowly and quietly walk up to him and very slowly pull pillow up and splash all cold water right on his face. He quickly wake up and stand making me laugh. He was looking shocked with my little fun.

"What the hell Misha. Why do you do that?" He asked wiping his face. I couldn't stop laughing, he looks funny. His hairs were messy and sticky because of water and the shirt he was wearing says 'Don't Wake Me Up'. I know this shirt. Me and Shehry especially give order to shop keeper to print it on simple white T-shirts. I try to sober but his expression is making me laugh again.

"Sorry. B-but you are not waking up so I thought to do this to wake you up" I said coughing and trying to not laugh but still grinning.

"Why you want me up?" He asked again causing me look at him in surprised. Did he know he also have to pray? I promise his Dad to get him on right path.

"Because you have to pray. Now go clean your face, change your cloths and start praying." I said sternly and turned around to pick praying mats. "I won't repeat it again." I said when I saw him not moving from his place. He give me a glare before walking in bathroom. I heard shower on, I sighed and sit on couch waiting for him to come back. After 45 minutes, he finally decides to come out and we pray together. I put praying mat back on its place. Its 6 am, Rayyan went back to sleep while I am sitting on couch with my laptop. I checked my mailbox. There were thousands of mails in there but only few were important.

I went downstairs with my laptop to make some coffee for myself because if I don't get coffee it would hard for me to concentrate on my work. I also call Zayan but he was not picking up which means he go back to sleep after praying. Dad put this in two of us to pray on time. Sometimes Zayan missed his prayers but I try not to miss it. I make coffee and sat on chair with my laptop on table.

"Misha" A sleepy voice comes from behind making me jump a little. I turn around and saw Shehry rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Shehry? What are you doing here?" I asked. He lazily walk over fridge and takes out a bottle. That was the answer of my question.

"Why are you up so early?" He asked finishing his water and sitting across me.

"I wake up to pray" I said with a shrug and went back to my mails. I open a mail that says Award Ceremony. It says.

'We are glad to tell you that Ali Constructions Company won best company of the year award. We would like to invite you to collect your award. Passes will be sending to you soon. Congratulations!'

I was smiling widely. My company is winning this award from 2 years but this is my first Award with Dad. This time when I go on stage, he will be there to see me. I was smiling like an idiot and was lost in my thought I didn't realise Shehry is still sitting here. He snapped his fingers in front of my eyes. I blinked few times before looking at his confused face. I raised my eyebrow at him.

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