
115 9 42

Happy 100 chapters!

Dedicated to : starcoismylayptho


       I do sometimes admit that being alone felt restraining and tiring.

   Restraining because in this world we live in, being alone meant we were lonely and poor. That you probably couldn’t fit in or belong and you were the odd one amongst the rest.

That’s why some feared being all by themselves; feared of being looked down, of feeling pathetic and thus why one always strived to at least have someone by their side.

   Once I had a friend. She was a prime example of what I meant. She befriended me because no one else did, because she thought I was in the same boat as her; unwanted. We went out our merry way and it ended within a blink.

   I was different from her. I didn’t need validation from other people to see my worth while she did, working herself hard to be accepted by people around her; to feel like she actually belonged.

BWith that price, she left me and become estranged once she realized being with me could cost all her effort down the drain.

        “You won. You happy, Janna?”
  I looked up from wiping myself with a clean towel, glancing at the mirror in front of me. She had her lips twist into a frown with seething hatred.

   “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

She huffed, crossing her arms. “Don’t mistake me for a fool. I know you very well, just so you know.”

“Well you don’t know me,” I murmured, eyeing her intently. “—plus, not everything is a game, Hannah. Things don’t always go with how you want it, so suck it up.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Oh please. I could get anything I wanted if I even tried. Well, you can have him—if you’re okay with hand me downs, though.”

I snickered. “You never change, do you? You seem to be evolving backwards; better take that time to reflect than toy with other people’s feelings, Hannah.”

“Toy? You make me laugh.”

“Well you make me laugh too,” I smile sarcastically. “—your face reminds me of a clown. I can see the resemblance.”

  “I hate you, Janna Banana,” she narrowed her eyes at me.

“Are we using nicknames now, Hannah Banana?” I sneer.

“Hmph. You’re totally not worth my time,” she turns her heel and flips her hair. “—by the way, Tom is such a turn off. I can see why you two belong together.”

    “Thank you,” I cackled.
    People like her were prime examples of why I didn’t trust people. They could pretend to be your friend, only to find your flaws and share it to the world or leave you when you need them.

   I was planning to forget my high school years and live a secluded life, when I met Tom. He was highly suspicious—or so what I thought.

From the first time we met, he seemed to have no character and I regarded him as some annoying flea who won’t leave me alone. There were times he was overbearing and times where I was glad he was there. Somehow, he became a part of my life and being with him made me happy.

   He was too positive, too kind, too caring that I felt as if I wasn’t deserving of it. Along the way, I somehow met new people—which I would never consider it an option if he hadn’t help me change my outlook in life.

    Call it cheesy and very out of character, but he saved me. If he hadn’t talk and persisted me, I probably would have lived my life in misery, never finding out that there were still people who would care for you in the end.

   Then I realized I liked him. I never had feelings for anyone before since guys I met were either too self-entitled or douchebags who thought being rude to others was edgy at all. Maybe it was because he had a very pretty smile—I won’t tell him that, or maybe because he sees me as a person and cares for me. Makes me feel like a girl sometimes. Ugh.

      But sometimes, you just got to put down your ego. I’m grateful I made that choice.

   Since I have an annoying guy I can call mine.

  “Morning Janna!” he smiled, waving his hands enthusiastically at me.

  I smile back, probably saying this for the first time.
“Good morning, Tom.”

  He seems to be taken aback, but smiles nevertheless.

  “Let’s go?”


   And that was how I, Janna Ordonia, met him.

     The Opposite who Completed me.
   Sorry to break it to you guys…but unfortunately there’s book III.

JanTom : Complete Opposites
[Book 2]
Started : September 1, 2020
Ended : March 2, 2021


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