Chapter Fifty-Five : Partners

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Chapter Fifty-Five : Partners

  (Quick Survey : Should I wrap this book as soon as possible or do you guys want more chapters? I have some many ideas but I feel like it's going to ruin the pace of the book.)

Also an early update since Next week there's Math and I hate Math. Pray for my soul.

    "Been a while hasn't it, Janna?"

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    "Been a while hasn't it, Janna?"

  I shift my eyes to meet Oskar leaning back on his chair, the usual calm and laid back demeanour he puts out. I huffed a breath, sinking my cheek deeper on my palms.

    "Tell me about it."

    The library was closed for a week due to inspections. I wonder how that went, then again I probably still wouldn't have my job if that went wrong.

      "Why are there so many kids?" I murmured under my breath, trying to come up with any conversation. Amazing I know. Me? Trying to come up with a conversation? Get real.

     He chimes in. "They're visiting for an activity or something."

   "Huh," I replied. "---but they're so many. Isn't Google the new way around?"

   He snorted. "Well Janna, we'd probably be goners if they'd stick with good old Google--plus, reading is fun, isn't it?"

   I narrowed my eyes at him, snickering. "Oh really? You read books? Surprising. Name one book you read recently?"

    He thinks it over, making sure to put a thoughtful look on it with a finger propped to his chin. He grins at me. "English 9 page 101-110."

   I stifled a laugh, eyeing him in amusement. "Told you, Mr. Hypocrite."

    He shrugs, the earphone around his other ear dangling to his chest. "It is technically a book."

   "Stop being a smart-ass will you?" I retorted.

     He looks over at my shoulder and I narrowed my eyes, looking at him in confusion.  "What?"

     He points from behind him, an amusing face plastered on his lips while he does it. Now what? I turn my head around, expecting to find him laughing at me being fooled by him but only to find two kids sitting on the back of the library near the windows.

    They were kissing discreetly---at least tried to. I think they were around the same age as Marco. I scrunched my nose in disgust, my face contorted to a wry. Oskar sees my face and laughs silently.

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