Chapter Forty-Five - Jelly Baby

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Fun Fact : JanTom Complete Opposites was originally from my other book 'The Loyal Dog'

Dedicated to : singer13102

I love your idea so much and it'll be important in the next chapter! Here's your special chapter ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ. Thank you for always commenting. This person is an amazing writer, so check out their stories!

Chapter Forty-Five : Jelly Baby Pt 1

Tom dating someone? Huh, I mean it's nothing special or shocking--he's quite popular but what pisses me off is how he tried to play with my emotions.

Was it really that satisfying for him to say all those cheesy words, thinking I was swoon by it? Ha! That's where he's wrong. Very wrong. So wrong.

That's it! That's the end of the straw. I knew it all along, that too good to be true guy was nothing but a playboy. Saying 'I love you' to me without any hesitation! Did he enjoy with making fun of me?

"Janna, the..uhm, the paint...bru---"

"What?!" I snapped angrily, then realized I was lost in my own thoughts again. I stare at Star who looked taken aback by my outburst and I sigh, loosening the grip of the paintbrush.

"Sorry, I'm kinda hot-headed right now," I murmured, feeling a bit guilty I screamed at Star for no reason.

"It's alright," Star smiles faintly. "--how about you take a breather outside? You could use one, and don't worry, I can do the painting by myself."

"Thanks," and with that I left.

I could use some fresh air right now. Really badly. I sighed, running a finger through my loose locks of hair as I headed for the rooftop, passing through people running errands and putting up posters for their stalls.

Right. The school festival was four days away.

I couldn't care less, if only I was just some person in the background lurking in the shadows---but no, I have to be in the limelight. It feels weird and queasy.

My footsteps never felt so loud and so was the beating of my heart whilst I took the stairs.

Was everything he said all a lie? All those bold proclamations, cheesy words and uncomfortable affection of his...a front? Or maybe he got tired of waiting, and finally realising that pursuing me led to nowhere.

I should be at ease, right? He's going to be with some other girl and wouldn't bother me. He's going to say all those corny and sugar coated words in her ear. They're going to do what other couples do and...

My foot came to a halt, the door right in front of me never felt so big. I loosened my clenched fingers and reached for the handle, twisting the knob open and flung the door wide.

The cold gush of wind took me by surprise, but nevertheless was welcomed. Before I could do anything, the door slams with a loud thud behind me and I sigh, shoving my hands underneath my jacket.


My eyes travelled to the figure sitting on the floor cross-legged with a bread hanging on his mouth. If he wasn't good looking, he'd look extremely weird and gross.

I snickered, eyeing him. "What are you doing here, Oskar?"

He smiles, taking a huge chunk of bread and chewed on it. "Break time?"

"Oh really?" I snorted, making my way towards him and took a seat beside him, sitting on the cold cement floor. "---let me guess, you're slacking off and aren't doing even one bit of labour."

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