Chapter Fifty - One : Love You

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Chapter Fifty-One : Love You


      I awkwardly shuffle around the front porch of Janna, my fingers fidgeting around the pockets of my jeans. How am I supposed to explain to her? What would I even say? I sigh, taking a deep breath before screwing everything and reached forward for the door with a knock.

       Almost immediately, the door opens and my stomach churns, when I see it's her mother. "Oh hi, Tom."

  "Good morning Mrs. Ordonia, uhm, where's Janna?" I eyed her warily, my throat starting to feel dry.

    I feel like I cheated and it's kinda funny to think about it. Well, it's not funny actually. I'm kinda nervous. I didn't want her to kiss me I swear!

    "Janna? She left an hour," she raised a brow.

    My eyes widened. An hour ago? At six thirty?! This is bad. She's clearly ignoring me now. She probably won't ever talk to me again. I hunched over my shoulders, feeling the world weight over it.

     "You alright, boy?" Mrs. Ordonia eyed me in pity. "--did you and Janna fight?"

    I chuckle anxiously, scratching my cheeks slowly. I can't really hide anything, and it's really my fault. "Somewhat yes."

   "I'm pretty sure Janna will forgive you,"  she flashes me a reassuring smile, and while I'd like that to be certain, I'm not so sure. I really messed up big time.

     "I don't know," I murmur, casting my eyes at the mat on their front step, feeling crestfallen.

    "You're Janna's friend, and while she may seem grumpy, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want to lose one of her precious friends," I see her foot get closer until I feel her arms wrap around my head like a mother's love and pull me close.

     "---and I want you two to just get together."

    "Did you say anything, Mrs. Ordonia?"

    "Oh nothing!" she chimes in a suspicious tone, running her fingers through my hair like a child. "--so you'll be fine, Tom. My daughter will forgive you."

    That sounds more like a taunt, but I shake it off, a smile appearing on my lips. "Thanks Mrs. Ordonia."

     She pulls out from the small embrace and pats me in the back for good luck with a toothy grin on her lips." Go get her boy!"

    I chuckle. "Will do."

. . .



   My eyes roamed the classroom to find May, Leila and Jackie standing over the window---where my chair and...he resides in.
     And how early are they? Are they usually this early?

    I raised a brow, stepping inside the classroom and shut the door behind me. Not long after that, May dashes off to my direction and grabs ahold of my shoulders, looking at me with a fiery glint of her eyes. "We heard about it."

    I tensed, awkwardly trying to make some space between us since she's really so close and by close, I mean eye to eye stare. "Uhm, about what?"

    "Tom's affair!" she hollered, eyeing me with eyes wide open. "---everyone saw it. So, what shall we do with him?"

    I sigh, grabbing her shoulders gently and pushed her away from me. "Nothing really."

    I walked passed by her, making my way through the row of seats and finally stopped when I stand in front of my own, then took off my bag off my shoulders and slung it on the desk.

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