Chapter Twenty-Eight : Jealousy

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Chapter Twenty-Eight : Jealousy

10 chapters left!❤

    It wasn't my problem if these two stupid guys were trying to start a fight, but one thing is that I don't want them putting my job on jeopardy.

   This was the only job I thought that was bearable to handle, not too overly social but just kept to a minimum. And I was starting to be ticked off by the guy who sat across in front of us with hawk-like eyes, glaring down at Oskar while Oskar just laid back freely with eyes closed and a small smile tugging his lips.

     I sneer, snapping my glare to Tom as he stared down at Oskar like he's a vile creature. "Can you leave? You're starting to get on my nerves right now."

     Tom's eyes shifted to mine and frowned with a grumbled. "No. I'm a costumer here, you can't just make me leave."

    I rolled my eyes, dripping on the spine of the book as I held myself from chucking it onto his head. "But I have the right to make disturbing costumers leave."

     "I'm just sitting here, aren't I?" he wasn't asking, he was stating it. "--as far as I've known, that is not called a disturbance."

       I sighed, feeling my nerves turn tense. He's annoying right now--and worst that usual. I darted a glare at Oskar, hoping that he gets guilty and become tensed with all those staring but he just smiles all the more."Sorry Janna,  but I have a reason."

  Tch. This is why men are so unreasonable.

     I peered over my watch, seeing that I had five minutes left before I can leave the job and I felt relieved to say the least.

    If I stood here longer, I might've smacked both of their heads together. I was starting to get pique and crazy from all these stupid people.

     A  young girl comes up the counter, then glances back and forth at the two guys and towards me. "Can I borrow this?"

     I nod, taking her book which was entitled "Ugly Duckling" and asked for her card, which she did and jotted the date borrowed and all those details.

     I hand her back the book and forced a wry smile. "Due date is on Friday. Have a good day."

    "I think you need that more," she looks at me innocently, her large orbs of crystal blue eyes stared back at me as she turned her back and walked like a cute, little girl.

      I let out a long, distressed breath as my shift was over and I was no one entitled to keep acting like these people had sticks shoved up their arse.

     I exited the counter and Oskar peers an eye open. "See you soon, Janna."

     I only clicked my tongue at him and passed over him as Tom stands up from sitting and follows me like a brainwashed idiot. My frown deepens as I fasten my pace and Tom managed to catch up with ease.

    By the time we stopped, we were already outside the store and I screeched, jabbing a finger to his chest. "What the hell was that?!"

      "You're mad at me?" he looks at me like he never expected that.

     I took a long, sharp breath before rubbing my temples. "I really....could assault you right now. I might just do that."

     "I'm protecting you," he whines, his eyebrows crossed. "--that guy is hella shady."

      "I don't need your worry," I muffled. "---and I know him better than you, so stop making assumptions, idiot."

      He spontaneously take a hold of my hand and started walking down the street as I got dragged behind him, trying to yank my hand from his.

    He clenched on my hand tightly as he marched onwards with his shoulders tensed as I flew out curses and taunts, but to no avail.

     He's angry, and he's directing his anger on me? What the hell.

    A minute after walking in pure silence and with nowhere in particular direction, he abruptly stops and I almost bumped on his back when he says cautiously. " that guy?"

     I raised a brow. "What?"

     "I you fancy, t-that...guy?" he asked nervously yet cautiously, his voice was dripping in insecurity and the hold my hand softens. "---if you do..then I don't k----"

     "Stupid!" I grit my teeth, making his shoulders flinch as people spared a second glance at us. "---what kind of stupid novel have you been reading?"

     "I don't like Oskar!" I raised my tone, my anger starting to boil. "---and what's your problem?"

    "You mean that?" he turned his head to meet mine, looking like a puppy who was waiting for a pat on the head. It was stupid. He was an imbecile.

       I rolled my eyes, glaring down at him. "You think I'm joking?"

     He breaks into a soft laughter, anger and tension has diminished in such a short time. He was back to his grinning idiot form and I was purely frustrated and baffled about this guy.

     He turns around to face me and removes his hold from me before pulling me into an embrace in front of the side walks. I turned red, purely embarrassed because people were stopping down and some were silently cheering.

       Curse you, Tom. I could feel his breath tickle my skin and he murmurs. "That's good."

      Then he breaks into a hearty chuckle, his laughter ringing on my ears as he gripped on my back. "Yeah, I'm stupid Janna."

      "Let go of me," I grimaced, feeling people staring onto us like some weird couple on the street. "---you're embarrassing me."

       "I don't care," he responded, continuing to hug me for what felt like an eternity.

       I decided to put matters onto my hands and pinched his sides, making him yelp in pain. He pulls away from the hug, eyeing me as he winced. "I got it. Don't hit me."

     I huffed, crossing my arms. "Then stop being an idiot. I swear, wherever I go, you're always putting me in a spot."

    "But still," he pouted. "---that guy started it."

     I shake my head in disbelief, a faint smile appearing on my lips. "You're so immature. I swear I don't know how to put you on leash."

     July 12, 2020

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