Chapter Seventy-Five : Hold Me Now

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Chapter Seventy-Five : Hold Me Now

Dedicated to : Bella212321

        Marco checked himself by the mirror one last time, widening his teeth for any stuck food or if his hair was well pampered enough not to look like it was ran over the flood.

     Brushing a couple disheleved locks, Marco was satisfied and marched his way towards the front door, sucking the air between his teeth.

     "Just don't act stupid," the twelve --now thirteen year old kid  murmured under his breath, trying to compose himself.

    . . .
    "Hey," Star sheepishly smiled at him, tucking a loose strand behind her ear whilst she inspected him from head to toe.

    "He's got good sense," the blonde muttered inwardly, noticing how the brunette shifted in his stance or how his eyes roamed from place to place with how Star intently stared at him.

    Star didn't look bad too. She wore her favourite pink fur coat paired with a black blouse and camel coloured skirt. She wrapped a scarf around her neck and chose scandals to wear.

    Marco couldn't help but ogle at Star looking so pretty in front of him. He discreetly let out smile, his thoughts getting him out of touch with reality.

   'She really dressed for me--not that I don't mind her wearing just a shirt and pants,' Marco lift the hem of his scarf to cover what remained a smile on his lips.

    Star cleared her throat, eyeing Marco intently whilst they both stood timid, not knowing what to stay to each other. "Well, shall we go?"

   Marco blinked, snapping out of fantasies, an embarrassed look flickers his entire face. He was daydreaming, forgetting about the girl standing just inches near. "Right."

    The two tread their way towards the slightly freezing boardwalk, passing through countless of people not batting an eye on them with the cars screeching and bolting like colorful dots on a picturesque scene.

    The weather forecast announced that there was a drop in temperature and it was expected of everyone to wear extra layers of clothes for warmth in the chilly atmosphere. Marco glanced at Star and wondered if her knees weren't trembling by the cold.

      Star catches his gaze, then lets out a small smile. "So how have you been, Marco?"

     Marco seemingly thought over what to reply. He could've just replied like every other people would, then again, it'd kill what little conversation they had. He had to keep the conversation going if it meant not having the dead silence lingering between them like the cold.

   "Could be better. Sometimes I just feel so restless I don't know what to do," he earnestly replied, taking notice of his sneakers. "---you?"

   "Well I'm fine," Star briefly replied, gazing by the couple sitting at the reknowed cafe just across the street.

     "Are you excited for Christmas?" Star piped up.

    "I guess. There's gifts and cake."

   Star chuckled by the kid's answer. It wasn't that his answer was silly--rather, despite being a smart genius, he still acted like a child after all wishing cake and gift opening for Christmas.

   "Do you think it will snow?" Star inquired, lifting her palm as she stared at the skies, wishing that snowflakes would somehow trickle and dampen her cold stricken fingers.

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