Chapter Seventeen - Unspoken Words

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Dedicated to :  ToeTrixy


I snapped out of my own thoughts and whirled my head to meet Tom standing a few steps apart from me.

He looked at me with concern, forehead creased and lips curved downwards. I murmured, absent-minded. "Yeah?"

"Never mind," he shakes his head, a forced smile crept on his lips as he draped his bag over his shoulder. "--let's go?"

I nod, glancing by the concrete as we headed our way towards school. Huh, I just realized how I've been staring frequently at the ground for the past week.

It seems that whenever I try to lift my head, it just brings itself down and I find myself staring at the exact same thing; my own shoes. My shoes weren't interesting.

It was what I've worn for the past two years. It might not be in the best condition, but if it still does it job, then I see no problem. Not to mention that seeing the dirty ground wasn't fun at all.

Yet I couldn't just stop looking at it. I kept walking without thinking about other things and I let out a winch when my body comes crashing onto a cold metal surface.

I staggered back, my head throbbing from the crash. I looked upwards and see that I bumped onto a post. Great, you're acting weird and you've managed to swerve yourself onto a post.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath, rubbing the spot where I've had the most impact.

"Janna, are you hurt?" Tom comes close in a panick, seeing his face contort into dread and worry. He looked as if I was on the verge of dying.

I shake my head, gritting my teeth. "I'm fine. Just..leave it."

I used my hands to cover up my temple--which was throbbing like hell. He sees this and steps forward, hands reaching for my wrists and with one swift motion, he clutches on them and rest them on my sides.

He eyed my temple intently, as if looking for any major injury--which I doubt. His finger trailed on my temple, touching the one spot where I bumped, gently.

I winch, feeling his thumb rub over the swollen spot. I lift my hand and clutch on his arm, trying to pull it away from the darn spot. "Stop touching it!"

He frowned, shifting his gaze on mine. "But it's swollen."

"You're making it worst!" I screech.

A small smile spreads across his lips. I raised a brow, wondering what's going on his mind again. Whenever he does that, I know that he has something in plan.  "I know one way to make it better."

"What?" I grunted.

He cups my cheeks then bends down slightly, and without warning he leans in and...puts his lips on my temple. I flushed red, feeling something warm crept on my entire cheeks. I shoved him away, my heart suddenly pounding so fast.

"Y-you..are shameless!" I shriek, feeling my face getting redder as time passed by.

I brought a hand to the spot where he kissed on it and just remembering it makes my heart flutter. He finally sinks in everything that just happened and his face becomes red--like tomato.

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