Chapter Twenty-Three -Double Trouble

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I wasn't supposed to update thrice this week, but so many people read the last chapter and I'm like "you know what? I'll give  it to you."

  My mouth made a sound when his lips captured mine. Every single hair in my body pricked up and tingles went up my spine.

  My eyes widened while I sat there with his lips on mine, frozen. I didn't know what to make of this or what to say. I shakingly lift my hands to try and push him, but they both stayed mid-air and that was about it.

  His hot lips gently touched mine and my heart thumped as fast as it could get, with my cheeks turning redder than any shade I'll probably know. My entire body was burning hot and the churning in my stomach became furious.

  His sensation against my lips..felt gentle and good. His warm and smooth hands went and cupped my cheeks, shoving away random locks of hair. I saw how his long lashes and his perfectly trimmed eyebrows.

   The sensation was too much, and it wasn't  in a bad way. My eyes slowly fluttered close, making him do these things to me..making my heart do leaps and my hands rest on his chest for stability.

  He continued to kiss me for what felt like an eternity when he pulled away and I stared at his lips which were red. My mind finally snapped and I shoved him away, making him tumble on the bed.

   I stood up immediately, running to the door before he could clasp on my shoulder as I slammed the door behind me, leaning on it with a hand propped on my chest.

  I closed my eyes and tried to calm down the fast pace of my chest, but no matter what I did, it was throbbing hard and it seemed to long for something else.

   I shakingly touched my lips with my finger and remembered how his lips touched mine or the sensation against him.  He stole my first kiss. Bloody hell. My fucking first kiss!

      Is this some sick, demented joke? Do I have to wait until Tom pops up and says "It's a joke!" I....I don't know anymore. I've never even been close to a guy before and suddenly he kisses me!

   The devil named Tom kissed me! And I couldn't even push away!

  I wanted to punch myself for being stupid, for actually liking it.

   "Janna!" my eyes trailed back to a upcoming figure.

   Then Star arrived in front of me with her breath uneven as she placed her hands under her knees, trying to catch up with her breath. "I--what happened?"

   She glanced at me with questions. I mean I would be if I wasn't stunned as her. I uncurl my fists, looking away. "Tom got angry and punched the poor guy."


   "The guy was provoking him, so he probably deserved that," I responded, shrugging casually.

     "I wish I saw it," Star panted, then rose up from her stance. "--that would be awesome."

   I glanced at her and cocked a brow. "You want to see two guys beating up? I mean the wimp didn't even put up a fight, but I guess that's considered."

   She cheekily grinned, and that meant something. "I wished I had your life. It's like a fairy tale, you know? I mean a good-looking guy  willing to fight for you? Now that's romantic."

   I sighed, feeling the sensation washed over me. "I don't think you'd handle the bullying--and being ostracized, so good luck."

  Star's eyes flickered to the door in front of me and a lumped formed on my throat. Her gaze shifted to mine, a concerned look. "Are you hurt? Is that why you're in front of the clinic? And where's Tom?"

   I leaned further on the door when it bursts open when I let my guard down, feeling the world turn upside down.  I closed my eyes, preparing to take a fall when two hands grabbed my shoulders and held me.

   My cheeks boiled hot and I regained my posture, yanking his hands off mine. Star looked at the guy beside me and towards me. "Why didn't you tell me Tom was there?" she beamed.

  I was actually glad for once that Star was dense as a rock sometimes and she wouldn't have figured out by now that we were tensed and that I couldn't be bother to be civilized to a guy who just kisses me. She just looked at us like nothing ever happened.

   "Are we skipping class?" was all she asked. And we did.

. . .

It was my shift on the library and I was grateful I had work today. I didn't want to think about what just happened and wanted to at least think about something else.

  The library was mostly occupied by elementary students. Some were probably doing group studies and some were reading fiction books. It was a feat that some people still actually went to the library.

   "A dollar for your thoughts?" a voice chimed from beside me.

   I didn't need to glance to see who it was. That slacked off, chill vibe was a dead-give away. I stacked the books neatly before responding. "It's penny, not dollar. And I'm sure you probably knew by now pretty much everything."

    "I didn't," Oskar replied. "--I mean why do people always care about other people's business? Like they entitled to know everything?"

    I couldn't help but smirk and nod with him in agreement. "Glad you share the same opinion, Oskar."

   Oskar glances at me with a laid off look, lazily smiling with his eyes half-closed. "You need a shoulder to listen to? I'm not the best person but I can listen."

   I shrugged casually, reverting my gaze to the books and placed them on the tray to be returned. "I think I'm good."

   "Well, just call me," he grinned before tucking in the earphones around his ears and got lost in world again.

   One thing I've noticed about Oskar, is that he's always humming a tune and making those air-finger motions like he's playing a keyboard. Often times, he'll be slacking on the job but he's kinda cool.

   It's his nature.

June 26, 2020

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